Author: Luc Luycx, Royal Mint of Belgium.
REVERSE: the Tree of Life, with five leaves symbolizing local tree species that grow in the five continents. The border inscription reads “United Future World Currency”.
Author: Laura Cretara, former artistic chief of the Italian State Mint.
There's little doubt that there's a spiritual movement toward rearranging the world -- that many now find themselves inclined to create a new world order. It is there in the ether: a mysterious undercurrent or momentum involving many different and seemingly disparate human entities. We have often expressed the concern that dark spiritual forces would try to coalesce human institutions into a single global government with a global religion, paving the way for a personage of evil as the leader (and persecution of Christians). We have seen it forming, in short, at a spiritual level.
But is it more direct than that? Does it have more of a human component? Might there be a relatively small cadre of men -- elitists -- who are pulling more strings than we know? Might the conspiracy be one that has been more centrally and humanly orchestrated than it has hitherto appeared? Could a small secret group really direct many of the trends we see around us -- from the culture to education to foreign affairs to the economy?
One should always be wary of conspiracy theories for a simple reason: virtually none of them, thus far, has ever been proved. There might be good reason to suspect something underhanded in a number of events during the past one hundred years, but final proof has been in short supply, even non-existent. No one has ever proven that JFK was killed by more than a single gunman (though there remain legitimate doubts). There can be a thin line between healthy concern and paranoia. Often, we connect dots when there is not a legitimate connection.
But if there is a single human locus in the conspiracy to unite the world (as opposed to strictly seeing it as a spiritual move), an excellent candidate involves an intensely secret organization called the Bilderberg Group.
While one must be careful about literature on this subject, a compelling book entitled The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, by journalist Daniel Estulin, offers the best argument for such conspiracy that we have seen in a long while, since a book written in a similar vein twenty years ago by evangelist Pat Robertson.
In fact, while we maintain a degree of skepticism (there is a question about whether this group has really affected world affairs as directly, in so many ways, as some believe), the account put forward by Estulin is very hard to put down and at a number of points makes the theory seem indisputable.
Those unfamiliar with the details of new world conspiracies will find it fascinating, and odds are those who have read in the field will also find new facts, a well-written, more cogent presentment of facts than in the vast majority of such books, and a myriad of convincing and even amazing photographs.
And so, for your discernment, we are offering it. The nutshell:
"In 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family at the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek," writes Estulin. "For an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world. When it was over, they decided to meet once every year to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs."
Through the years, it has evolved such that the world's top movers and shakers have attended or held membership. Organized each year in a different country, and drawing mainly from Western Europe, the U.S., and Canada, the group has included the likes not only of the Rockefellers (in the way of banker David, of Chase), but Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner, George Pataki, Dan Quayle, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Bill Gates, Walter Mondale, Alexander Haig, and Donald Rumsfeld.
Rumors are that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton also have attended meetings.
No one is sure, because the press is strictly prohibited from attending or even getting near to the event -- with security guards shooing away photographers (although Estulin was able to secure a number of "inside" photos). Are the Bilderbergers a "super think-tank" -- simply a forum to toss around ideas -- or has it evolved into a shadow government that is close to controlling the world (and already has accomplished matters such as the fall of major politicians and spikes in the price of oil)?
Most of those who belong are from financial, industrial, union, educational, or media circles -- including publishers like Kathleen Graham, who operated The Washington Post. Meetings have also been attended by representatives from The New York Times, Time, and the major networks.
Political affiliation seems irrelevant. The annual meeting involves a core Bilderberg group, and then different invitees each year (about 180 all told). Estulin details its branches and spin-offs, including other "new world" type organizations such as the Round Table, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations (or CFR, which has about 4,000 members), and the Trilateral Commission (which seeks to bridge all the continents, not just North America and Europe).
Step by step, the book shows how these various "tentacles" have influenced major political, economic, and cultural decisions. It was CFR members who largely designed the United Nations, Estulin documents -- in a way that is never tedious.
The goal, he says, is to move into an era whereby large global entities and especially corporations and banks have unnerving control and worldwide monopolies. Often, members of one new-world group also belong to another.
He says the Bilderbergers have long orchestrated a move toward a united European continent (which has largely come to be in the way of the European Union); an Asiatic system; and a Pan-American Union starting with North American unification (Canada, the U.S., and Mexico).
He documents how this has slowly, deliberately unfolded.
During a meeting in 1996 in King City, Toronto, claims the author, Bilderbergers discussed and then tabled a proposal to work for the integration of Canada and the United States, with the Maritimes as the 51st state, Ontario as the 52nd, the prairies as the 53rd, and British Columbia with the northern territories as the 54th. The group, he said, sought to separate Quebec.
As one man put it, "The Bilderbergers are searching for the age of post-nationalism: when we won't have countries, but rather regions of earth surrounded by Universal value. That is to say, a global economy, one world government (selected rather than elected), and a universal religion. To assure themselves of reaching these objectives, the Bilderbergers focus on a 'greater technical approach and less awareness on behalf of the general public.'"
It is for this reason that many closely watch attempts to insert surveillance systems, new identification means, and other advancements, especially tracking devices (via microchip), into our culture.
It is also why many are wary of the new government powers enacted due to terrorism.
"World events do not occur by accident," Denis Healey, former British defense minister, once said. "They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings."
You will see financier Henry Kravis at these meetings. You will see all kinds of international financiers and bankers. You will see royalty. Have they manipulated the current economic "crisis" (which has brought calls for a global economic oversight)?
If nothing else, it is baffling how certain foreign and economic policies remain in place no matter which party rules America -- and it seems inexplicable why meetings involving such luminaries -- princes and former or future presidents -- go unreported by major media, when otherwise their every move is a news story. Perhaps it is because, as Estulin documents, at one time or another Bilderberg has had "representatives of all major U.S. and European newspapers and network news outlets attend meetings."
"Doing a cursory check of the web pages of the principal international news outlets," he says, "we will not find even one reference to the most important group that counts among its members the most important politicians, businessmen, and financiers."
We can say this: be it the Bilderbergers or CFR or Bohemian Grove, there are too many top-secret meetings with international attendees. The spiritual implications are obvious: global control could turn into global persecution and a personage of evil or anti-Christian leader as previously mentioned (call such, if you want, an "anti-christ"). It is for this reason that we urge Rome to rethink global oversight and oppose it at any powerful political level.
The history of how the U.N. and European Union formed is fascinating -- with new behind-the-scenes information. As for North America:
"Since March 2005, without public input and with little public awareness, the United States, Mexico, and Canada have been moving quickly toward establishing a continental resource pact, a North American security perimeter, and common agricultural and other health, safety, and environmental policies," writes Estulin in the book. "Working groups comprised of government officials and corporate leaders, through secret meetings and formal councils that form de facto shadow government, are quietly putting this 'partnership' into action, and, to date, only industry 'stakeholders' have been consulted, usually in private, closed-door meetings. U.S. congressmen and Canadian members of parliament have been kept out of the loop.
"Clearly, there are two main reasons why an incremental and secretive approach is being used to form the North American Union. First, such a union would be extremely unpopular with the majority of Americans and Canadians and would not be permitted if it were widely publicized. Second, the dissolution of the United States not only violates the U.S. Constitution, it would essentially destroy the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
The author claims that bankers and business leaders have close contact with an array of intelligence agencies, some of whom -- he asserts -- have threatened him. These are detailed, for your discernment. It gets a bit cloak-and-dagger. It does not, however, get boring.
Is Estulin controversial?
Of course. He has been associated with at least one conspiracist who is just that: a man who spots intricate plots under every single rock. One must balance all the information with the distinct possibility international groups are more like think-tanks than organizations that can as yet direct anything. Sometimes, we give humans -- and "secret" organizations -- too much credit. Overall, the momentum remains more spiritual than anything.
Do the Bilderbergers purvey ideas -- or dictate them?
That's what we must discern. This book argues -- again, compellingly, at many points -- that it is more the "dictating" than purveyance. Or as another commentator said, you can look for the influence of Bilderbegers when events "later appear to just happen."
[resources: The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, Onward Catholic Soldier and Catholic Warrior]
[see also: Mexican trucks set to storm U.S. and Hillary admits CFR influence]
[Michael Brown retreats, spiritual protection and hope in a tumultuous time: Minnesota and New Jersey]
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