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Healing is real -- and it is as spiritual, in many cases, as it is physical. Thus, when illness persists, it is sometimes because there are hidden spiritual hindrances.

This is according to Maria Vadia, a lay evangelist in the Miami area who relates in a new book that those hindrances can include obvious factors like unbelief but also ones we do not contemplate, such as: curses, unforgiveness, unconfessed sin, and general demonic interference.

"Sin in our lives is an open door for the enemy to come in our lives to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10) with sickness and disease," writes Maria, who was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1987 and is active in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. "It's like leaving the back door of your house open! Unwanted guests will probably pay you a visit (Ephesians 4:26-27). Some people are sick because of an open door of sin in their lives. It's extremely important that we shut the door to the enemy by renouncing, repenting, and confessing every sin, including any kind of occultic involvement in the past."

This is critical: ridding occult involvement: Many do not realize that even touching horoscopes, Tarot cards, fortunetelling, New Age practices, or Ouija boards can have a profound effect.

It is idolatry (see Chapter Twenty of Exodus for the consequences of that).

"My brother, who is a doctor, ministered to a Catholic patient who had suffered from left-side abdominal pain for over twenty years," she writes in Healing is for You!. "She had been tested and treated by different gastroenterologists with no results. As my brother prayed with her, he asked the Lord for a word of knowledge to get to the root of the problem. The Lord gave him the word 'San Lazaro,' which is a Santeria, witchcraft 'saint.' My brother commanded the spirit of 'San Lazaro' to leave her; it came out and the pain was gone! She was set free from the pain and then told my brother that all her life she had placed 'San Lazaro' above Jesus."
Oh, that we might all have doctors like that!

It may be a "spirit of fibromyaligia." It may be a "spirit of depression." There is power in casting out by name, and this is also true of mental illness.

"My mother, who is a psychiatrist, realized after she was baptized in the Holy Spirit that the root of the problems in many of her patients was demonic in origin," writes Maria, who is from a medical family. "Medicine, in many cases, could only deal with the symptoms. The real problem, an evil spirit, needed to be cast out in the Name of Jesus for the person to be healed."

The very reading on Easter was from Acts -- describing how Jesus "went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil." "In Matthew 17, there is the story of the epileptic boy whom the disciples couldn't help, even though they tried. As you can see, Jesus had to rebuke the demon first, for the boy to be set free and healed. Once again, we see that the root of the problem in this boy's health was demonic: Jesus dealt directly with the problem and the boy was healed instantly.

"There are the other modern examples.

There was the woman involved in the occult with a lung tumor. She finally agreed to receive Christian prayer and the tumor disappeared. This also happened to a woman who declared a healing over herself and cursed the root of her cancer cells as Christ had cursed the tree. She did this with supreme faith and "there was no trace of cancerous cells in my uterus [after]," says Maria. "I thank the Lord for His healing."

Then there is the lack of forgiveness.

Evangelists and healing priests constantly point to this as a hidden and yet powerful cause of "unwellness."

When we don't forgive, we maintain a hold on darkness.

"Just today my brother, the doctor, treated a 75-year-old woman suffering from arthritis and sciatic pain," relates the author. "She was in great pain. My brother realized by a word of knowledge that this lady had not forgiven those who had hurt her. The Holy Spirit -- the Spirit of Truth and revelation -- was right on target. My brother prayed with her and she repented, committed her life to Jesus, and forgave those who had hurt her. Her body pains left her body and she left his office thanking Jesus!"

As for our iniquities:

"Unconfessed sin and iniquity in the family tree, in which there has been no repentance and forgiveness, gives the enemy a legal right to enforce a curse in the descendants," Vadia observes in the book. "My definition of a curse is a negative, powerful force coming down the family tree: it's demonic. As it relates to sickness or disease, when you see a sickness repeated throughout the generations, or if you see it many times in one generation, that's a good indication that a curse might be present.

"For example, at times you see cancer repeated down the family tree; depression, alcoholism, diabetes, and so forth, tend to run in families. Even doctors will ask you to fill out a form with your 'family history' of sickness and disease. The curse needs to be broken before the healing can take place," she says, citing Exodus 20: 3-5.

That's the bad news.

The good is that such curses can be broken in the Name of Jesus.

His simple Name -- because He took all curses upon Himself -- is what we most need, for as it says in Galatians (3:13), He "redeemed us from the curse" and "became a curse for us so that the curse could be broken and we could enter into the blessing of Abraham," adds Vadia.

After a curse is broken, says the evangelist, it's important to begin proclaiming the opposite.

If there has been alcoholism, proclaim sobriety; if a history of depression, proclaim the joy of God!

Our greatest stumbling block, she points out, is not realizing how we can be healed!

Here we see Hosea 4: 6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

Added a doctor she quotes in the book: "One of my patients was devastated because her daughter, who lives in Brazil, had been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. The doctors in Brazil told her she had less than a year to live; she went ahead and bought her own burial plot and coffin.

"That day in the office I commanded the spirit of cancer to leave her in Jesus' Name and prayed for total healing. Her mother and I had an inner assurance that her daughter was healed. The mother called her in Brazil and told her to go back to the doctor, for she was cancer free. The daughter did so, and after testing there was no trace of cancer in her body. She went ahead and sold her burial plot and coffin!"

[resources Healing is for You! and Pressing Ahead in the Spirit]

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