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Top Teeth-Staining Foods

It is generally said that food or beverage that stains your tablecloth is likely to stain your teeth also. Chromogens, which are the pigmented molecules that impart color to foods and beverages, are the agents which are potential teeth stainers. But other than chromogens, there is another thing which contributes to the teeth-staining potential of food. It is acidity. Acidic foods tend to erode tooth enamel making teeth more susceptible to staining by chromogens. Tannins, another class of food compounds, also contribute to the teeth staining. Following are the top teeth-staining foods.


Tannins in tea are known to kill bacteria in the mouth but they also promote teeth staining. Black tea especially causes teeth stains. Go for green tea instead or add milk to your tea to lessen the teeth staining effect.

Black coffee

Coffee is another culprit for staining those pearls and black coffee is the most notorious. Also the temperature of the coffee is important since very hot coffee tends to open up the pores of the dental enamel making it more susceptible to erosion.

Colas and Sodas

Colas can not only cause teeth discoloration due to the coloring agents in them but the phosphoric and citric acids in them cause erosion of the enamel and the sugar content causes tooth decay. Sodas are also acidic and make teeth more susceptible to staining.


Sauces are usually dark colored and contain strong teeth staining elements. These include deep colored sauces like tomato sauce, soy sauce and curry sauce. Drink plenty of water and brush your teeth after having these sauces.


Blueberries are rich with antioxidants and are included in nature’s superfoods. But these are very likely to stain your teeth. What you can do is to immediately swish your mouth with water after eating blueberries and other berries also.


Beets have a strong teeth-staining power. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after consuming beets.

Candy and Popsicles

Candies, sweets and popsicles which color your lips and tongue can also stain teeth. But you do not need to worry if you eat these once in a while and not too often. Just drink some water after you have them.

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