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Foods for Healing Wounds

When you have an injury what you eat makes a great difference in the rate of your recovery. There are various food items that speed up healing of wounds, both deep and superficial. These food items provide the necessary vitamins and minerals which aid in faster healing of wounds and proper functioning of human system. Given below are some of the food items, inclusion of which surely will help in curing your wounds faster.

Turmeric: It is a well know spice which is used in India for cooking as well as for treatment of wounds. Curcumin an antioxidant present in turmeric helps in lowering inflammation etc and fastening the healing process. In the olden days, people would put a paste of turmeric on the wound and wrap it with a cloth for healing of the wound. In tribal areas of India, this is still a common practice.

Sweet Potato: Sweet potato is a rich source of vitamin A, B and C and possesses antioxidant properties. Animal tests have shown that the antioxidant property of sweet potatoes helps in wound healing.

Honey: Honey is used as a natural nutritive sweetner in our day to day life. It contains traces of several vitamins and amino acids other than the sugar, its usage in wounds dressing helps in reducing inflammation, pain and swelling. Its antibacterial property obstructs further infection of wounds.

Milk Products: It is believed that dairy products such as milk and yogurt aid in the healing process of wounds due to the higher concentration of proteins and zinc in these products. However, there is little scientific evidence to prove the role of proteins present in milk in wound healing.

Meat Products: Like milk products, meat has good amounts of protein and zinc and therefore aids in faster healing of wounds. However, it is a complete myth that keeping a loaf of meat on the wound will aid healing.

Ghee: Ghee (made from cow’s milk) also known as clarified butter is used extensively in Ayuveda for healing of wounds. For those who are looking for scientific evidence - according to research conducted on rats (published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research) ghee aids in closing of the wound and regeneration of the wound and eventually speeds up the healing process.

Zinc: There is ample clinical evidence showing that zinc aids in the promotion of epitheliazation of wounds. Consuming foods containing zinc are recommended for people with wounds and injuries. Such foods are meat products (oysters and other sea foods, beef, chicken, etc), dairy products, whole wheat, and wheat germ, various nuts, beans, lentils and various nuts.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is quite essential for several body functions. It is also useful for healing of wounds and formation of scar tissues. Therefore people with wounds should eat ample amounts of amla, guava, lemon, orange, cranberry, strawberry, pineapple, kiwi fruit, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage and other food items that contain vitamin C.

Iron: It is believed that deficiency of iron and anemia retards the process of wound healing. Often iron tables and foods containing iron are recommended to people after surgeries. These foods are leafy vegetables, lentils, turkey, etc. However, there is conflicting research as well that shows there is little effect of anemia on wound healing.

Fluids: Finally, for any form of healing it is necessary that you consume ample amounts of fluids. No we are not talking about coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. We are talking about water, fruit juices and healthy soups. Consumption of ample amounts of fluids is quite essential for healing of wounds.

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