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When to Make a Decision

Sometimes, we need a break; we need to withdraw and replenish; we need to be filled or we can give nothing. We are running on fumes -- exhausted. Nor can we come to a good decision.

That's when we need to separate ourselves and read the Bible and go into the inner sanctuaries of the Spirit and let God minister and fill us so we have goodness to pour upon others and into our decisions.

We must wait for God to enrich our intuitions before trying to "rationalize" or rely on the advice of someone who is not spiritual. Take no action (especially medical decisions) before first going deep inside yourself and asking the Lord!
If you have a decision to make, your intuition will tell you if you pray enough (and don't try to force the answer). Don't make decisions after hearing gossip. Don't make decisions after listening to worldly talk. Don't make decisions after hearing loud rock music. Don't decide while watching TV or listening to worldly radio.

Inside information will flow only when you are within your own right authority and in your secret chamber, which is where God meets you.

Go with your gut. Go with your spirit. Watch for unrest. When you ignore that feeling of disturbance, you may be straying from God's best path. Follow the peace. It is the path to God. The Lord is subtle. He'll lead but won't drag. It's up to you to integrate His knowledge. Explosive blessings will come to you when it is time if you follow His guidance.

Your name, from before eternity, is already on them.

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