Green tea is perfect for strengthening the immune system, and fighting bacteria, and viruses. The epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG in green tea prevents a virus from being able to replicate and multiply; recent tests indicate this ingredient may be an anti-cancer agent.
Not the first food one thinks when grocery shopping, but apple cider vinegar is very effective. Its primary ingredient is of course apples which contain a host of vitamins including potassium, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, fluorine and sulphur. While preparing a delicious fish dinner try adding the vinegar to fried or broiled fish, or you can make vinaigrette for salads; raw and leafy vegetables are also boosters of the immune system.
Ginger is great for cookies, teas, and baking, but it also boosts immune system; using it in the bath while ill increases the production of sweat, which rids the body of germs and toxins. It is widely known for minimizing heartburn, motion sickness, migraines, and preventing colon and ovarian cancers. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning have a cup of green tea served with ginger for a healthy alternative.
When it comes to boosting your immune system, most people don’t think of turmeric; many of us never use it, and generally consider it to be the most useless spice that comes in the spice rack. However, turmeric has a variety of medicinal properties; it can even be used as a topical antiseptic! It also works as an anti-inflammatory when eaten, and is speculated by physicians to have properties that allow it to generate more immune cells.
Red Bell Peppers
A great addition to any sauce is red bell peppers which are a great source of vitamin C and are known as energy boosters. As a matter of fact, many physicians agree that of all the fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, red bell peppers are one of the best. Within twenty minutes of consumption they elevate body heat production and oxygen intake.
Pumpkin’s proficiency in beta carotene makes it a prime source of nutritional value. Beta carotene is the main component of vitamin A, which both prevents cancer, and strengthens cellular communication in the immune system. If you can’t manage eating a pumpkin, add pumpkin seeds to your diet as they are a fabulous source of protein and zinc. They are even alleged to lower cholesterol.
Yogurt is renowned as a miracle food. Sometimes it’s paired with Indian and Mediterranean cuisine to take the edge off the eye-watering spices, and kefir is its equally delightful alternative. Both these varieties of yogurt contain highly beneficial bacteria that line the intestines to ward off parasite bacteria, and virus germs. Add a batch of blueberries, or strawberries for a healthy dessert.
Oysters are an acquired taste; they’re slippery and gooey, and many people are disgusted by the prospect of eating them. The people who do like them often claim they are a powerful aphrodisiac; however, physicians have found high levels of zinc. The zinc mineral protects the body by increasing the potency of helper T cells, which detect antigens and germs in the body.
Lemons are easy to add to your diet, and they’re cheap! They offer vitamin C, and equalize the body’s balance of acids and alkali. You can mix lemon juice with tea, or water, make lemon cookies, or simply have hot lemon tea on a rainy day. Or kill three birds with one stone, so to speak, by eating broccoli sprinkled with lemon juice, and seasoned with a little garlic.
Not only does broccoli have extensive vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy, but it’s also one of the most effective immune system boosters out there. It contains vitamins A, C, E, anti-cancer agents, and potent antioxidant compounds, making it a threat to any nasty germ in the body! Enjoy broccoli raw in your favorite salad, or steamed as a side dish to your entree.
Garlic has always been a miracle food; the ancient Egyptians realized its health benefits, and considered it holy; they valued it so much, they used it for money! While we might not use garlic in quite the same way today, it is still world-renowned for being a very healthy food. Garlic contains sulphuric compounds, such as allicin, which gives garlic its smell, but also its unparalleled protection against illnesses of various types.
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