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Dressing with Strength

Dressing with Strength

Budding Flowers
Perhaps the most notable thing about the virtuous woman is how she wakes up.
Have you noticed it?
Proverbs 31 tells us the virtuous woman gets up early and “dresses herself with strength.”
Some women are naturally “strong” women. The Proverbs 31 woman would seem to be one of them if we met her during the course of her day.
We would see her facing challenges with confidence. We would see her laughing at the future. We would see her speaking kindly to her children. We would see her making wise decisions and providing for her family and serving the needy.
But Scripture is so good to show us this “strong” woman in the morning, when she is first arising. Here we see her starting the day before the others arise and dressing herself, not with a fashionable top and flowing skirt but with a mindset.
In other words, she isn’t necessarily a natural when it comes to waking up strong. She puts her pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. Proverbs 31:17 tells us the virtuous woman’s means and method to being strong so we can be like her:

She dresses.

“Dressing” is a skill, a learned practice. It is not a natural ability that you either have or you don’t. {Isn’t that great news?}
The Proverbs 31 woman had to learn how to dress, just like we must. The phrase here “to dress” implies “Preparing one’s self for something that requires readiness, strength, or endurance.”
Which pretty much describes motherhood, yes? And living a selfless, godly life.
Sure, it would be easier if it came naturally…but once we realize it is something we learn, we are free to start practicing! Just like we teach our daughters to choose their clothing, match tops with skirts with shoes, how to put them on, etc, women and girls of all ages can learn how to put on the strength of the Lord.
God calls us to be women who practice putting on His strength like we would our clothes. Morning after morning.

She dresses herself.

As women training little women, we are to come to the place where we don’t expect others to make life easy for us.
As we learn to dress ourselves, we eliminate the “props” that hold us up and are instead stregthened by the Lord alone. When this happens, we stop making demands of our husband,  children, friends, and church family. We stop emotional manipulation, tantrums, and the like and instead become the ones serving. Our *needs* aren’t substantial, even though our personal hardships may be. We have learned to withstand difficulty.
Now I know many women- even older women- who have never learned how to dress themselves with strength. They expect others around them to make their lives easier or more comfortable. They are “high maintenance” women.
Even if this describes us, the Bible has great news! No matter where we are on the spectrum, we can dress ourselves and be in a position to serve others. What tremendous freedom and joy!

She dresses herself with strength.

It is interesting to see what the virtuous woman clothes herself with: strength!
Ever wonder why that particular trait is pointed out? I think it is because God places us as women in situations where we are overwhelmed. The demands He places on us are beyond our abilities. Like the disciples in Mark 6:32-37, there are multitudes of people around us with needs and Jesus turns to us and says, “You feed them!”
We can either sit there overwhelmed….or we can take up faith and clothe ourselves with strength. My friend, unless we have a good, solid understanding of how God equips, provides, and strengthens, we will either flatline or wear ourselves out serving in our own strength.
But when we understand that God graciously intends to include us in the fulfillment of His miraculous plans, we can begin clothing ourselves with the strength He provides (see I Peter 4:10-11).
Friend, don’t miss out on living in God’s strength. Today’s a great day to start dressing. :)



1.No Breakfast.
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. 
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

It causes multiple brain shrink ageand may lead toAlzheimer disease.

4.High Sugar consumption.
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5.Air Pollution.
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body.
Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6.Sleep Deprivation.
Sleep allows our brain to rest...
Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death ofbrain cells...

7.Head covered while sleeping.
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8.Working your brain during illness.
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9.Lacking in stimulating thoughts.
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10.Talking Rarely.
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

15 Ways to Boost Your Liver for Great Health

Your liver must perform over 500 functions, making it potentially one of the most overburdened organs in your body. Our modern lifestyle, replete with air pollution, food additives and high amounts of stress ensure that the liver has plenty to do.
So, it’s no surprise that the liver can become sluggish, making it a factor in many health conditions, including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, bad breath, chronic fatigue syndrome, cravings for sweets, depression, environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivities, fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches and migraines, hepatitis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, hypoglycemia, hormone imbalances, immune system disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, overweight or obesity, poor digestion, recurring nausea and/or vomiting, skin diseases, and ulcerative colitis. Of course there are other factors involved in these conditions so it is important to see a physician if you suffer from any of them.
Perhaps the most impressive thing about the liver is its ability to regenerate itself. When it is given the critical nutrients, a healthy whole foods diet, and herbs to help it function, it can be restored to health in most circumstances. Strengthening the liver is one of the ways to boost energy, balance weight, and strengthen overall health.

Here are 15 ways to give your liver a boost:

1. The liver requires high amounts of vitamins and minerals to perform its many functions. Your diet should be high in fruits and vegetables and fibrer-rich foods.

2. Your liver must filter food additives. Eliminate processed foods, artificial food additives, colors, and preservatives from your diet to give your liver a break.

3. Eat plenty of fresh carrots and beets, both of which are powerful liver cleansing and rebuilding foods. In addition, eat plenty of green foods. The chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color, helps cleanse the liver.

4. Try to eat two heaping tablespoons of ground flaxseeds. They bind to hormone receptor sites, preventing excess hormones including synthetic xenoestrogens from plastics and other chemicals, from floating around your bloodstream. One of the liver’s five hundred jobs is to filter excess hormones. By eating flaxseeds and flax oil you are helping it function more effectively. Flaxseeds can be sprinkled on cereal, toast, salads, or blended into smoothies.
5. There are many great herbs that help strengthen the liver, including: milk thistle, dandelion root, globe artichoke, turmeric, slippery elm, greater celandine, balmony, barberry, black root, blue flag, boldo, fringetree bark, vervain, and wahoo.

6. Significantly reduce refined sugar and avoid synthetic sweeteners altogether.

7. Lecithin helps the liver metabolize fats and reduce cholesterol. It contains a substance called phosphatidylcholine and essential fatty acids that help keep liver cells healthy and help prevent fatty deposits from building up in the liver. Lecithin also helps reduce high blood pressure by allowing the blood vessels to relax to allow better blood flow. You can get lecithin in organic soyfoods like soy milk, tofu, and miso, as well as organic eggs. Alternatively, take 4000 mg of lecithin in capsule form daily.

8. Take a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement to avoid any deficiencies. The liver depends on many nutrients to detoxify properly. Even a single nutrient deficiency can be harmful.

9. In addition, take 1000 to 2000 mg of vitamin C daily, even if there is vitamin C in your multivitamin.

10. Eat lots of garlic, onions and broccoli since these foods contain sulfur that is required to increase enzyme activity that boosts liver cleansing. Without adequate levels of sulfur, the phase 2 of liver detoxification cannot keep pace with level 1, meaning that many toxins can become MORE dangerous in your body.

11. Avoid eating large meals. Instead, eat small meals made up of plenty easy-to-digest foods.

12. Eat steamed vegetables, raw salad greens, raw fruits, and bitter greens. The bitter greens, especially, help to cleanse the liver.

13. Eat whole, raw, unsalted nuts and seeds for their essential fatty acids as well as their usable protein.

14. Avoid eating heavy, fatty foods since they just create more work for the liver. Avoid margarine, shortening or commercial oils or any foods made with them.

15. Avoid eating for at least three hours before bedtime to allow the liver adequate time during the night to perform its many functions, unimpeded by other bodily processes like digestion.

Scientists Warn Supervolcano Will Destroy U.S

Some of the world’s smartest geophysicists aren’t sleeping well anymore. Perhaps their dreams are filled with nightmares—if so, it wouldn’t be surprising since what they thought they knew about volcanoes wasn’t quite right. But now they know the truth—the terrifying reality—supervolcanoes are activating and can destroy America at any time. Maybe in 100 years…or maybe as early as next week…
Forget about tumbling asteroids the size of mountains bombarding Earth…Stop worrying about nuclear war…Shrug off any concerns about the coming Ice Age…Doomsday is probably closer than you think and no matter where you live you probably aren’t safe from the effects of the aftermath.
That’s the terrible reality facing scientists around the world as they scramble to revise monitoring systems to better predict the imminent destructive fury of the supervolcanoes when they blow.
1888 lithograph of the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa
The terror of tomorrow
For many years volcanologists thought tomorrow was a long way off. But two scientific papers published recently reassessed the danger of several ominous U.S. volcanoes: one in Death Valley, the Ubehebe Crater, is half a mile wide and more than 700 feet deep. Believed to have last erupted thousands of years ago, it’s now known to have blasted away during the 14th Century.
The other volcano, the famous Crater Lake cauldera in Oregon, can recharge itself in a few short decades and then explode with super-massive destructive force. Until lately, scientists believed that volcanoes also required thousands of years to become dangerously active again.
They were wrong.
Brilliant Dr. Margaret Mangan California’s top U.S.G.S. scientist
The U.S. Geological Survey scientist in charge of keeping a wary eye on volcanoes located in California for the U.S. Geological Survey is Margaret Mangan. Recently she told USA Today that “The understanding of the timing of eruptions and the timing of the building up to eruptions is changing.”
And changing it is—at an alarming rate. The changes in knowledge that have come rapidly the past few years now have some scientists biting their nails over the Doomsday supervolcano in Yellowstone Park. That volcano has shown all the signs of becoming active: parts of the ground have heated to just under 1,000⁰ F while the earth is bulging from a building lava dome and a lake has completely boiled away.
Just two years ago many geophysicists assured everyone, including the federal government, that there really wasn’t anything to worry about. Really.
Now those same scientists have shut up. If they talk at all to curious reporters they respond only in clipped monotones and then hurry away.
What are they worried about? Approaching Doomsday.
The many names of Doomsday
Doomsday comes with many names, 22 to be exact. The seven largest among the megacaldera (the technical name for supervolcanoes) are Yellowstone, Long Valley, and Valles Calderas in the United States; Lake Toba on North Sumatra island in Indonesia; the Taupo Volcano located on the North Island in New Zealand; Aira Caldera within the Kagoshima Prefecture of KyÅ«shÅ«, Japan; and the Siberian Traps in Russia.
The world’s seven supervolcanoes  cauldrons of violent destruction
A relatively smaller supervolcano, Cumbre Vieja, on La Palma in the Canary Islands just northwest of Africa could wipe out much of southern England and most of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.
According to an article by Steve Connor, the Science Editor of the UK’s The Independent:
A wave higher than Nelson’s Column and travelling faster than a jet aircraft will devastate the eastern seaboard of America and inundate much of southern Britain, say scientists who have analyzed the effects of a future volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands.
The Canary Island Cumbre Vieja volcano’s ‘Zone of Destruction
A massive slab of rock twice the volume of the Isle of Man would break away from the island of La Palma and smash into the Atlantic Ocean to cause a tsunami–a monster wave–bigger than any recorded, the scientists warned…
The Canary Island Cumbre Vieja volcano’s tsunami path
Most of the wave’s energy, equivalent to the combined output of America’s power stations for six months, would travel westwards to the American coast but enough would be flicked north towards the English Channel to cause catastrophic coastal damage.
A computer model has been designed to show the way the tsunami will build after the volcano, called Cumbre Vieja, erupts…It describes the almost unimaginable scale of an event that the scientists say could happen at any time within the foreseeable future.
Fire and ice
When the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, up to 100 million Americans will perish.
Millions will be instantly incinerated by the blast. More millions will die quickly from tons of superheated ash—as much as 20 feet deep—that will blanket the Death Zone from the Pacific Northwest to northern Texas and as far east as western Iowa.
American ‘Death Zone’ delineated by superheated ash
More will succumb to extended famines and plagues. For all intents and purposes what was once the United States of America will be gone—buried in gray ash, slag, and superheated mud.
Much of southwestern Canada will also be affected.
Death Zone delineated by supersonic winds and heat
A survey in 2009 conducted by scientists gathered past seismic wave data from earthquakes in the region to create a 3D image of the subterranean hotspot. The actual ancient caldera, now mostly a shallow impression in the ground, spans across three states: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
‘Pit of Death’ — widening volcanic vent at Yellowstone
All experts agree that if another massive eruption occurs the concussion, lava, superheated gas and ash fall would effectively destroy almost half of the US and be the greatest single catastrophe in recorded world history.
Entire projected Yellowstone eruption ‘Death Zone’ covers two-thirds of U.S.
The Apocalyptic destruction of the supervolcanoes would be followed swiftly by an Ice Age. If it’s a major Ice Age, the ice will remain for up to 100,000 years.
The last major eruption at Yellowstone occurred about 70,000 years ago. Some experts are warning a supervolcano catastrophe is long overdue.
When asked when he thinks Yellowstone might erupt, one worried volcanologist sighed and replied, “At any time. Look, I’m just a scientist. Only God can answer that question with certainty…but it’s going to happen.”

15 Worst Internet Privacy Scandals of All Time

These high-profile privacy scandals involve many underlying technologies, from search to social media, e-mail to voice mail, mobile phones to Webcams to GPS. But at the heart of all of these privacy scandals are companies collecting personal data without the user's knowledge or consent and then either sharing it with third parties or simply failing to keep it safe.
The latest company to come under the privacy microscope is Google, which revealed a new privacy policy on Tuesday that clarified how it is combining user data across its services.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday the European Union unveiled stiffer penalties and higher fines for U.S. firms that fail to meet their privacy rules for cloud computing and social media applications.
With online privacy expected to remain a high-profile issue in 2012, here's our list of the biggest online privacy breaches of all time:

1. Sony CD Spyware
Sony BMG ran into a major privacy flap in fall 2005 because of the anti-piracy measures called XCP that it added to music CDs. When a customer played one of these CDs on a Windows PC, the CD installed hidden rootkit software onto the PC that communicated the CD being played and the IP address of the PC back to Sony. This so-called spyware also created vulnerabilities on PCs for worms or viruses to exploit. Critics said Sony had created a backdoor onto its customers' machines, leading Sony to recall the CDs and offer a free removal tool for the rootkit software. Class action lawsuits were filed against Sony in Texas, New York and California. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission required Sony to pay $150 to any consumer whose PC was damaged by the software as part of a settlement for violating federal law.

2. The Craigslist Experiment
In February 2006, Seattle Web developer Jason Fortuny posed as a woman seeking sex on Craigslist to see how many responses he would get in 24 hours. He received 178 responses, including photos, names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of the men who answered the ad. Fortuny then published all of these responses on a Web site called Encyclopedia Dramatica. The incident received a significant amount of mainstream media coverage, including the Associated Press and MSNBC. Fortuny was later sued in Illinois court by an anonymous plaintiff, and in May 2009 Fortuny ended up receiving a $75,000 default judgment.

3. AOL Search Leak
In August 2006, AOL released a file containing 20 million search keywords used by 650,000 of its users over a three-month period. The file was supposed to be anonymous data available for research purposes, but personally identifiable information was available in many of the searches making it possible to identify an individual and their search history. AOL admitted it was a mistake to release the data and removed it from its Web site after three days, but by then the data had been mirrored at sites across the Internet. AOL's CTO Maureen Govern quit two weeks later. In September 2006, a class action lawsuit was filed - that's still lingering in California courts -- against AOL demanding $5,000 per user.

4. Google Street View
In May 2007, Google added its Street View feature to Google Maps, and it has been battling privacy complaints, paying fines and facing audits ever since. Google Street View provides panoramic views of streets gathered by webcams. It prompted privacy worries for showing men leaving strip clubs, people entering adult bookstores, and people picking up prostitutes, among other activities. Google allows users to flag worrisome images for removal and added a blurring feature for faces and license plates. Nonetheless, Street Views has run into privacy battles with Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany and South Korea, to name a few countries. France fined Google the equivalent of $142,000 in March 2011 related to Street Views, but an August 2011 review by the U.K. government gave Google positive marks for improving the privacy of Street View. Meanwhile, Google must undergo regular privacy audits mandated by the FTC for the next 20 years as the result of a settlement over improper privacy disclosures in its now-defunct Buzz social media service.

5. Hotmail Hot Mess
One of the biggest privacy scandals in terms of scale involved Microsoft's Hotmail free e-mail service. In October 2009, Microsoft urged hundreds of millions of its Hotmail users to change their passwords due to a privacy breach. Microsoft said it discovered that users' details from 10,000 e-mail accounts were posted on the Web site as the result of a likely phishing scheme. Microsoft urged users of email accounts ending in, and to begin changing their passwords every 90 days.

6. Webcamgate
A Pennsylvania school district that used built-in Webcams to monitor the use of several thousand Apple laptops that it provided to students for their use at home ran afoul of online privacy issues and was forced to pay up. The school district admitted it had over 56,000 photos and screen grabs gathered by the Webcams and security software installed on the laptops. These photos were taken without the knowledge or consent of the students, including in their bedrooms and in various stages of undress. In April 2010, high school sophomore Blake Robbins filed a class action lawsuit against the Lower Merion School District for invasion of privacy. In October 2010, the school district agreed to pay $610,000 to settle two lawsuits related to the incident.

7. Facebook Apps
The popular social media site has been plagued by privacy issues over the years. Its highest-profile problem was in October 2010, when Facebook admitted that its top 10 most popular applications including FarmVille and Texas Hold`em shared user data, including names and friends' names, with advertisers. A Wall Street Journal investigation uncovered the Facebook privacy breach and said it affected tens of millions of users, including some that had used Facebook's most stringent privacy settings. Facebook had previously been in trouble for transmitting user ID numbers to advertising companies when users clicked on ads. In November 2011, Facebook settled a case with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission about several incidents and agreed to 20 years of third-party privacy audits (

8. Patient Data Exposed
In March 2011, California-based insurer HealthNet announced a privacy breach for nearly 2 million of its customers, exposing their names, addresses, Social Security numbers, health and financial data. The data were unencrypted and stored on hard drives that have gone missing from contractor IBM's data center. A nationwide class action suit was filed against HealthNet and IBM as a result of this incident. It was HealthNet's second big data breach in two years, having lost the Social Security numbers of 1.5 million policyholders stored on a hard drive in 2009. HealthNet isn't the only healthcare provider to lose private medical data or inadvertently post it online. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says personal medical data for more than 11 million people have been exposed online in the last two years.

9. Behavior Targeting is Targeted
A new area of concern for privacy advocates is behavioral targeting by online advertising services. These services create behavioral profiles based on anonymous data of how computer users surf the web and then serve up targeted ads based on these profiles. The FTC ruled in 2009 that these services must provide consumers with notice about the collecting of behavioral data and provide them with the ability to opt out. In March 2011, the FTC reached its first behavioral profiling settlement with advertising network Chitika for deceptive opt-out practices. Chitika said it mistakenly programmed the opt-out setting for 10 days, instead of the intended 10 years.

10. iPhone Tracking
Apple received so much criticism about how its iPhones and iPads were collecting and storing user location data that then-CEO Steve Jobs made a rare apology in April 2011. Jobs conceded Apple's mistakes in dealing with the location data after security researchers discovered an unencrypted file inside the devices contained a cache of locations visited over the last 12 months. Jobs emphasized that Apple was not tracking its customers: "Never have. Never will," he said, in response to the criticism from Congress and others. Apple provided a free software update to users to fix the glitch. But that wasn't the last time that location data gathered by mobile devices from Wi-Fi hotspots has come under fire. Google and Microsoft later admitted that they store the same kind of user location data on their mobile operating systems, too. (

11. PlayStation Network Hacked
Also in April 2011, Sony announced that hackers had stolen personal data from 77 million PlayStation subscribers. Although this was a security breach of Sony's PlayStation Network, the privacy implications were significant given that the intruder had stolen names, addresses, email addresses and birthdates for so many customers. Sony said it was unclear whether credit card data was stolen, and it warned customers to be on the lookout for identity theft. Security experts said the Sony privacy breach was one of the largest on record. Sony estimated that the incident cost the company $171 million to rebuild its computers and purchase credit protection services for its customers.

12. Disney Violates Kid Data Rule
U.S. Web sites that target children for subscriptions or sales must comply with special rules aimed at gathering permission from parents under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). In May, 2011, Disney's Playdom, Inc. had the dubious honor of paying the largest-ever COPPA fine, which was a $3 million civil penalty from the FTC for gathering and sharing personal information about hundreds of thousands of children without parental consent. Playdom, which runs the popular Pony Stars site, collected kids' ages and email addresses and allowed them to post their full names and locations. Other sites that have run afoul of COPPA rules include blogging outlet and mobile app developer Broken Thumbs.

13. Carrier IQ
The year 2011 closed out with another privacy-oriented brouhaha, this time surrounding Carrier IQ, which sells analytics software for mobile devices. The software is used in an estimated 142 million smartphones. A systems analyst/amateur security researcher discovered this software on his smartphone, and found that it was capturing battery life, connections, text messages, emails and other actions. A slew of accusations followed, with Carrier IQ and its carrier customers being taken to task for allegedly keylogging, spying and tracking. But more detailed analysis by other professional security researchers found that the systems analyst who originally raised the issue was confusing Carrier IQ's actions with those of debug statements mistakenly left in the Android code by phone maker HTC's programmers. As it turns out, Carrier IQ was simply collecting performance data for optimizing the end users' experience. Nevertheless, the original discovery prompted Sprint and HTC to reportedly no longer include the Carrier IQ software on their devices.

14. GM to Sell Vehicle Data
General Motors has run into privacy issues with its OnStar GPS-based system, which may continue to track vehicles even after a customer cancels the service. General Motors changed its OnStar privacy policy in December 2011, indicating that it reserves the right to share data it has collected - such as a vehicle's speed, location, odometer reading, seat belt usage and airbag deployment - with other companies. This is true even for customers who have cancelled the OnStar service unless they explicitly ask for the two-way communications link to be disabled. General Motors says the data would be anonymous and aggregated before being sold. Vehicle-based telematics systems like OnStar are an emerging area for privacy concerns, with new worries about the possibility of misuse of data.

15. Voicemail Hacking
One of the biggest stories of 2011 was the shuttering of News Corps' weekly U.K. publication, News of the World, as the result of widespread hacking of the mobile voicemail accounts of politicians, celebrities and crime victims in the pursuit of stories by the tabloid publication. Investigations of this illegal behavior are ongoing, but have already led to several high-profile arrests and resignations of News Corps executives. Reporters apparently hacked into the voicemail accounts by using the default PINs that shipped with the phones.

13 Healing Powers of Lemons

If you’re not getting fresh lemons into your diet, you may want to reconsider after reading the many health benefits of lemons, lemon juice, pith (the white part), or zest (skin).

Here are 13 amazing healing powers of lemons:

Bowel-Cleansing: The bitter taste of lemon gives these fruit the ability to increase peristalsis–a pumping-motion in the bowels–which helps to eliminate waste from the bowels and improve regularity. Add the juice of one lemon to warm water and drink first thing in the morning.

Cancer: Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including limonene—a naturally-occurring oil that slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals. Lemons also contain a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.

Colds and Flu: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that work in conjunction for a serious punch against infection.

Liver: Fresh lemon juice added to a large glass of water in the morning is a great liver detoxifier.
Nutrition: Lemons contain vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.

Balances Body Chemistry: While lemons are acidic they interact with the body’s metabolism to have an alkalizing effect on the bodily fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.

Allergies: Lemons contain the phytonutrient hesperetin which has been shown in studies to alleviate allergic symptoms.

Brain and Nervous System Disorders: Containing the potent phytonutrient tangeretin in the peel, lemons have been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

Eye Disorders: Rutin, found in lemons, has been shown in research to improve the symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy.

Anti-Viral: In addition to being effective against cold and flu viruses, terpene limonoids found in lemons have proven anti-viral effects on other types of viruses.

Diabetes: In addition to improving eye problems linked with diabetes, lemons contain hesperetin which lowers blood sugar levels (when they are high).

Gall and Kidney Stones: The citric acid found in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones.

Anti-Aging: The vitamin C found in lemons helps to neutralize free radicals linked to aging and most types of disease.

Foods for Healing Wounds

When you have an injury what you eat makes a great difference in the rate of your recovery. There are various food items that speed up healing of wounds, both deep and superficial. These food items provide the necessary vitamins and minerals which aid in faster healing of wounds and proper functioning of human system. Given below are some of the food items, inclusion of which surely will help in curing your wounds faster.

Turmeric: It is a well know spice which is used in India for cooking as well as for treatment of wounds. Curcumin an antioxidant present in turmeric helps in lowering inflammation etc and fastening the healing process. In the olden days, people would put a paste of turmeric on the wound and wrap it with a cloth for healing of the wound. In tribal areas of India, this is still a common practice.

Sweet Potato: Sweet potato is a rich source of vitamin A, B and C and possesses antioxidant properties. Animal tests have shown that the antioxidant property of sweet potatoes helps in wound healing.

Honey: Honey is used as a natural nutritive sweetner in our day to day life. It contains traces of several vitamins and amino acids other than the sugar, its usage in wounds dressing helps in reducing inflammation, pain and swelling. Its antibacterial property obstructs further infection of wounds.

Milk Products: It is believed that dairy products such as milk and yogurt aid in the healing process of wounds due to the higher concentration of proteins and zinc in these products. However, there is little scientific evidence to prove the role of proteins present in milk in wound healing.

Meat Products: Like milk products, meat has good amounts of protein and zinc and therefore aids in faster healing of wounds. However, it is a complete myth that keeping a loaf of meat on the wound will aid healing.

Ghee: Ghee (made from cow’s milk) also known as clarified butter is used extensively in Ayuveda for healing of wounds. For those who are looking for scientific evidence - according to research conducted on rats (published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research) ghee aids in closing of the wound and regeneration of the wound and eventually speeds up the healing process.

Zinc: There is ample clinical evidence showing that zinc aids in the promotion of epitheliazation of wounds. Consuming foods containing zinc are recommended for people with wounds and injuries. Such foods are meat products (oysters and other sea foods, beef, chicken, etc), dairy products, whole wheat, and wheat germ, various nuts, beans, lentils and various nuts.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is quite essential for several body functions. It is also useful for healing of wounds and formation of scar tissues. Therefore people with wounds should eat ample amounts of amla, guava, lemon, orange, cranberry, strawberry, pineapple, kiwi fruit, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage and other food items that contain vitamin C.

Iron: It is believed that deficiency of iron and anemia retards the process of wound healing. Often iron tables and foods containing iron are recommended to people after surgeries. These foods are leafy vegetables, lentils, turkey, etc. However, there is conflicting research as well that shows there is little effect of anemia on wound healing.

Fluids: Finally, for any form of healing it is necessary that you consume ample amounts of fluids. No we are not talking about coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. We are talking about water, fruit juices and healthy soups. Consumption of ample amounts of fluids is quite essential for healing of wounds.

First ‘Heartless’ Man: You Don’t Really Need A Heart, Or A Pulse

Two doctors Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier from the Texas Heart Institute successfully replaced a dying man’s heart with a device—proving that it is possible for your body to be kept alive without a heart, or a pulse.

In the short film ‘Heart Stop Beating’ by Jeremiah Zagar of Focus Forward Films, Zagar documents the process of the doctors—from cutting out the whole heart of 50 calves and replacing it with centrifugal pumps, to finally implanting it into their patient Craig Lewis.

The turbine-like device, that are simple whirling rotors, developed by the doctors does not beat like a heart, rather provides a ‘continuous flow’ like a garden hose.

After the doctors experimented on one of the calves, Abigail, Doctor Cohn told NPR: "If you listened to her chest with a stethoscope, you wouldn't hear a heartbeat. If you examined her arteries, there's no pulse. If you hooked her up to an EKG, she'd be flat-lined."

Craig Lewis was a 55-year-old, dying from amyloidosis, which causes a build-up of abnormal proteins. The proteins clog the organs so much that they stop working, according to NPR.

But after the operation, with the ‘machine’ as his heart's replacement, Lewis’ blood continued to spin and move through his body.

However, when doctors put a stethoscope to his chest, no heartbeat or pulse can be heard (only a ‘humming’ sound)—which “by all criteria that we conventionally use to analyze patients”, Doctor Cohn said, he is dead.

Heart Stop Beating | Jeremiah Zagar from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.

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