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Hiroshima, Japan 2009

Detroit, Michigan 2009

I’m Sorry…Who Won This War?

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.

Thomas Jefferson (Third American President1801-1809)

On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped its first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later on August 9, 1945 they dropped their second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, which brought to an end World War II with the Japanese Emperor Hirohito (after being assured by the Allied Powers that he would be allowed to remain in power and his families dynasty to continue) reported to his Nation their reason for surrendering….

“Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.

Contributing to the victory the United States and its allies achieved over the Axis Powers of Germany, Italy and Japan was the American City of Detroit, Michigan, which during World War II was the 4thlargest US City and an industrial powerhouse having no equal anywhere else in the World.

Today, 64 years after the complete and utter destruction of Hiroshima, it is now listed as one of the Top Cities in the World with a vibrant economy, dazzling skyline, and no poverty.

Detroit, on the other hand, is now a hollow shell of its former self with nearly 29% of its residents unemployed, one of the highest crimes rates in America, vast areas of its housing sectors lying in ruins, and hopes for its future totally lost after the destruction of the US automobile industry.

Important to note in this comparison between Hiroshima and Detroit is that they have further been played out in EVERY SINGLE ONE of the largest and most important cities of the Untied States, Germany and Japan; with those of the former Axis Allies now being some of the most important and economically powerful in the World, while those in the United States have been allowed to deteriorate and decay to such an extent that one would be hard pressed to find any difference between them and those existing in the Third World.

Where in the aftermath of World War II the United States was the largest creditor Nation and the most powerful industrial country our planet has ever known, today it is the World’s greatest creditor Nation with a manufacturing base that has deteriorated to such an abysmal state they no longer make even the most basic of things needed by any society.

On every American street the automobiles from Japan and Germany predominate while at the same time their stores are flooded by products made in China, Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, Taiwan…basically everywhere else in the World, not the United States.

Even worse, at the ending of World War II in the mid 1940’s a single American father could support his entire family, but by the mid 1970’s American wives and mothers were forced into the workplace to ‘make ends meet’ as rising inflation and the dismantling of their industrial base destroyed the wages of these people.

By the 1990’s the combined wages of an American father and mother were no longer enough to provide for their families so they began a ‘debt spree’ by financing their lives through credit cards and re-mortgaging their homes.

Now today, 2009, the entire ‘house of cards’ these Americans once thought was their Nation has fallen down all around them…yet to ask anyone of them who REALLY won World War II they would answer…“WE DID!”

But is that the truth? NOT EVEN CLOSE, but the Axis Powers didn’t win either. Who did win? Well, that’s the question whose answer our present World stands on the brink of destruction over, with only those most knowledgeable about the ‘Truth of All Things’ able to describe what really has, and is going to happen.

And one of those holders of the real truth was Emperor Hirohito who EXACTLY warned his people of what was at stake if the war was not stopped “…it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization.”

For you to be able to understand the real truth known by Hirohito and other past and present leaders of Nations, religious orders such as ours, intelligence agencies the World over, elite and secretive Illuminati groups, and the great European and Asian Royal Houses, you first have to be deprogrammed from the brainwashing you have been subjected to all of your lives.

And once the deprogramming of your minds begins to take hold you’ll begin to see that the destruction of the United States through its planned deindustrialization and reducing its people to poverty stricken slaves is based upon an agenda described in The Greening of America (written by the American Skull and Crossbones secret society member Charles A. Reich) and has ushered in an age called, since 1945, the Green Revolution along with the ideology of Green Politics, all operating under a banner they say is to save our World from Global Warming.

You’ll further be able to understand a secretive organization called the Green Dragon Society and its links to the European Green Man secret organizations and their links to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. You also be able to understand the significance of Nazi Germany’s Adolph Hitler and American President Franklin Roosevelt’s obsession with the ‘mythical’ Tibetan land called Shangri-La (also known asShambhala) long rumored to be the ‘gateway’ to the legendary city at our Earth’s core, Agartha.

From the 1939 German Expedition to Tibet (also known as the SS Tibet Expedition) ordered by Adolph Hitler and led by the famous German hunter and zoologist Ernst Schäfer for a Nation that had adopted as its symbol the ancient “Cross of Agartha” called the Swastika, to President Roosevelt, who upon the United States entering World War II ordered the building of his Nations central military headquarters in the shape of the “Shield of Agartha” called the Pentagon, his presidential retreat to be named Shangri-La (now known as Camp David) and ordered the building of an aircraft carrier named the USS Shangri-La which earned two battle stars in the Pacific the war, the TRUE HISTORY of what has happened in the past is more vital than ever to know now.

For you to know these truths, and by knowing them be able to protect yourself and your families, you have to have someone tell you. That is our MISSION because our history has shown us that with only a fully knowledgeable and informed people can these monsters and their agenda be stopped.

But we cannot succeed without your help. And if we fail, you fail too.

Now your ‘masters’ work untiringly to discredit and demean all of those who are intent upon breaking their hold upon your minds, and their greatest ally in support of this is YOU!

How sick is that? They not only reduce you to slavery, they make you pay for your own destruction, the dumbing down of your own children, the coarsening of your morals and culture, while at the EXACT SAME TIME they KNOW the TRUTH of what we, and others like, SAY and have created so many ‘secret’ clubs and organizations to teach their own children the TRUTH they are too many to count.

If you really believe that the USS Maine was blown up by the Cubans, that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise, that the German Reichstag was burnt down by a ‘lone arsonist’, that John F. Kennedy was killed by a ‘lone assassin’ (along with his son John Jr., his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King), that the North Vietnamese really attacked US warships in the Gulf of Tonkin, that 16 still yet to be identified ‘terrorists’ brought down the World Trade Center and attacked the Pentagon on 9/11, that Iraq really had weapons of mass destruction….and too many other ‘lies’ you’ve been fed to mention here, then by all means stop reading us and go back to the comforting fairy tales your propaganda media keeps you soothed with.

But, if YOU KNOW the lies you’ve been told then YOU MUST commit to doing something, and at the very least supporting those of us who daily risk our lives to keep the TRUTH flowing to you against the tidal waves of propaganda and lies strewn all around us.

For you to do nothing to help in this fight marks you a coward (there is no nicer way to say this), is that what you really want your legacy on this Earth to be?

Albert Einstein gave this warning to all who would listen, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

If you turn away from us and others like us in our common hour of need you are doing nothing and should be ashamed of yourself for being a ‘good Nazi’ and making our World more dangerous than it needs to be.

If you help us or others like us you DO make a difference….so DO SOMETHING! Quit standing by and waiting for things to get better without your help….they won’t…they never have and they never will.

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