JUNE 18, 2019
How to Conquer Spiritual Blindness
Jesus the “Light of the world” gave sight to the blind! Spiritual blindness is an extremely prevalent reality. However, spiritually blind eyes can still have their sight restored.
This short article will bring to the light three major reasons for spiritual blindness and then three remedies to conquer this blindness! May Jesus the “light of the world” dispel the spiritual blindness in our souls.
Three Reasons for Spiritual Blindness
1. Jealousy and Envy.
One of the Capital sins is Envy. A definition for envy: “You feel bad because somebody else has something that you do not have and when something bad happens to this person, you rejoice.” Cain killed Able due to envy. Saul tried to kill young David because of envy. Joseph was sold as a slave into Egypt due to the envy of his brothers. Finally, one of the principal reasons for the condemnation, crucifixion, and death of Jesus was the envy of some. Have you ever given into jealousy or envy in your life? Time to repent.
2. Bitter Anger.
Anger does not fulfill the justice of God. When the passion of anger has gotten control of your life, it is probably best not to speak and react towards others; this could prove catastrophic. We have to learn to cope with our anger and learn techniques to extinguish the fire and calm down.
3. Impurity.
Without a doubt one of the chief causes of modern spiritual blindness is a rapidly increasing viewing and addiction to pornography. One of the principal reasons is the ease of access to pornography. A half a decade ago, porn was available mostly through magazines. However, no matter where one turns, today he is literally bombarded with impure images : T.V. programs and commercials, Cable, Movies, Magazines, Newspaper advertisements, and most especially the easy access to Internet—the sources never end!
It is like an avalanche that has started and in full force. There is barely anything in the world that militates more fiercely against growth in the spiritual life then giving in to impurity.
St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, asserts that impurity causes spiritual blindness and leads even to hating God. Many will reject God, the Church, the reception of the Sacraments because they have become addicts—to one of the tentacles of the ugly octopus of impurity, especially internet porn!
May God save us, heal us and restore our sight!
Three Remedies to Spiritual Blindness
As Jesus healed the blind two thousand years ago, so He is just as powerful today to heal all spiritual maladies and that of course includes spiritual blindness. Our prayer should be: “Lord grant me light to contemplate the beauty of your face now and for all eternity!”
Following are three ways that we can use our eyes so as to glorify God, sanctify our souls, and live out the beatitude: “Blessed are the pure of heart for they will see God.”(Mt. 5:8)
1. Meditate on the Word of God.
What chlorine is to water, the Word of God is to the human mind. If our mind has been contaminated by indecent and impure images, they must be dislodged, purified and discarded. One of the most efficacious tools to rid one’s mind of bad images and to restore spiritual sight is the daily reading, meditating and even memorizing of the Word of God.
The Psalmist describes the Word of God as a light and lantern for our steps. Jesus is the Word of God and the Light of the World who came to dispel darkness and even blindness.
2. Contemplate the Eucharistic God.
When Jesus lived 2000 years ago people could not always see Him. When He was in Galilee, He was not at the same time in Jerusalem. In other words, even though Jesus could have been in many places at the same time, He decided to limit His presence to one time and place.
Right now we have an extraordinary grace: contact and exposure to the Real Presence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the most Blessed Sacrament. In all of the Catholic Churches throughout the world Jesus is present in either the Tabernacle or exposed in the monstrance; and sometimes both at the same time! He invites all to come to Him: “Come to me all of you who are weary and you will find rest for your souls because my yoke is easy and my burden is light. I am meek and humble of heart.”(Mt. 11:28-30)
What a privilege we have right now: to visit Jesus, look at Him present in the Blessed Sacrament and to love Him with all of our hearts. The Psalmist once again invites us: “Look to the Lord and be radiant with joy.”
3. Contemplate the Face of Mary.
All of us should form the wonderful habit of praying to Mary every day: the Morning Offering, Angelus, Memorare, Litany, and especially the Holy Rosary. While praying to Mary it is of great help to have before our eyes a beautiful image of Mary—statue, painting, icon, mural, mosaic, stain-glass window.
Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God. By contemplating a beautiful image of Mary, such as Our Lady of grace, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a transformation takes place in our eyes, mind, heart, soul and even in our body! The scales of our spiritual blindness fall from our interior eyes and we are able to see God and all that refers to God with greater clarity. Indeed among the many beautiful titles given to Mary, several refer to light.
Blessed Pope John Paul II, in his Apostolic letter on the Rosary, stated that we should strive to contemplate the Face of Jesus through the eyes of Mary. Let us cure our spiritual blindness by contemplating the beauty of the face of Mary, the “Masterpiece of creation” (St. Louis de Montfort).
image: P.Burghardt /Shutterstock.com
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