But indeed: what about metaphors?
China is well on its way to becoming a power equal to the U.S., if not greater. Just last week, Forbes Magazine rated Hu Jintao -- leader of China -- as the most powerful person in the world -- one place above President Obama! (The Pope came in fifth.)
Technologically, the Chinese are swiftly catching up to us as far as their space program and technology. They recently built the world's fastest computer, and Asian students -- already in prominence within U.S. technological circles -- lead the world in mathematical scores. As The Washington Times commented, "The atrophying U.S. space program suggests that America will be forced to cooperate with China in space, or else cede the high frontier of space to China altogether.
That does not sit well with the Pentagon, which is alarmed by the prospect. Its chief of U.S. Strategic Command, General Kevin Chilton, told reporters back a year ago: 'With regard to China's [space] capabilities, I think anyone who's familiar with this business ... would have to be absolutely amazed at the advancement that China has made in such a short period of time, whether that be in their unmanned program or the manned program.'" China is expected to be on the moon within ten years.'"
When it does come to actual military might, China -- at 3.5 million soldiers -- has the world's largest army (compared to America's 2.5 million), with the obvious capability of recruiting many more. Let's make clear that there are many wonderful Chinese -- the majority. These are good, simple, diligent people, for the main part. But we cannot ignore the predominance of a totalitarian regime that is atheistic (or at best agnostic).
In an economic sense, there already are major incursions.
There is the invasion of products.
"Made in Japan" has been replaced by "Made in China." In a way, that's an invasion -- everything from toys and cribs to much of what we wear and even our wall plaster.
There are bonds. China owns a titanic portion, $900 billion worth, of American Treasury notes -- meaning it could sink us if it stopped buying and began dumping (as it has implicitly threatened). Some put the figure [see below] at more than two trillion. "China owns the U.S.," is the way one major analyst recently put it, with a bit of hyperbole.
There is the currency. Both China and Russia -- along with other countries (like Venezuela) -- have been indicating that they may lobby for a new standard currency reserve to replace the dollar (which is losing value). Just this week, China complained loudly that the United States is printing money to manipulate markets.
We should all recall how Japan, although far smaller in population and geographical size than the U.S., rapidly rose to nearly an even economic level. Japan's fortunes have since waned, but now we have China breathing down our necks at the same speed but with a far larger geographical area and a population (1.3 billion) more than four times the size of the U.S. When a nation has an economic engine in the style of Japan but with vastly more people, it is worth watching.
It is estimated that China will surpass Japan in wealth this year and speed past the U.S. economy in the next two decades; some believe it will be before. It is already in third place ahead of France (the wealthiest nation in Europe in total share of global wealth).
In 1832, China and India were the world’s two largest economies and by 2032; they will regain that status, he predicted.
That's hardly to say the United States is the paragon of morality nor, ecologically, that it is pristine. Far from it. But a nation with such little current regard for humans and God's Creation has the potential for great evil -- never mind its antagonism toward Christianity (and particularly Catholicism). They arrest bishops in China. They jail folks for distributing Bibles. Catholics risk their freedom going to Mass. When apparitions and phenomena (including sun miracles) occurred at a shrine in Dong Lu (during a Mass on 23 May 1995 with 30,000 Catholics from the unofficial Church gathered and four bishops of the unofficial Church concelebrating), the government forbade further attendance. Meanwhile, its internal politics are not stable. No one knows what kind of government will evolve -- a free one or one that is even more dictatorial. And while a current military invasion is not possible, it might be in the wake of economic collapse or natural disasters.
Prayer need here. It was Maria Esperanza of Venezuela (now up for beatification) who once said the "yellow race" will "stand up" against the West.
I wonder what will happen if the so called metaphor will come true. One of our family blessings speaker who lived for more than a year in China shared his knowledge about the tradition, culture, and a bit of history. He actually mentioned something related to the post! Anyhow will just hope and pray that everything will still end in a prosperous life.