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Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Author: guo zhongli Date: 11-15-02 07:14 source: http://membersites.namezero.com/n3a...num/0305b02.htm Admin note: The above link no longer exists as the website had been closed due to seditious content The article entitled "Hang Tuah Berbangsa Cina" (Hang Tuah is a Chinese) is written in bahasa Malaysia, the national language of Malaysia, I hope to be able to translate it into English once I have some time. For forumites who understand Malay it makes interesting reading though. Hang Tuah Berbangsa Cina Shahabudeen Jalil Ramai di kalangan anggota masyarakat kita terutamanya orang-orang Melayu menganggap Hang Tuah adalah legenda pahlawan Melayu. Pada hakikat sebenarnya Hang Tuah bukanlah dari keturunan Melayu sebagaimana yang disangkakan. Itulah yang bakal dihuraikan dalam artikel ini. Selama ini orang-orang Melayu telah terkeliru atau mungkin tertipu dengan kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai legenda pahlawan Melayu yang dibangga-banggakan. Hang Tuah sebenarnya telah diMelayukan untuk tujuan kemegahan semacam bentuk yang tercatat pada Robin Hood. Di dalam bilik-bilik darjah, dewan-dewan kuliah atau seminar bermotifkan sejarah atau kajian sejarah hanya membincangkan tentang kepahlawanan, kebijaksanaan serta kesetiaan Hang Tuah. Kisah Hang Tuah yang diagung-agungkan ini telah menenggelamkan keadaan sebenar tentang asal keturunannya. Di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dewasa ini telah timbul semacam keraguan tentang pahlawan mereka ini, apabila penghormatan kepada pahlawan mereka mula dipersendakan dengan reaksi-reaksi melampau seperti kelihatan dalam filem Hang Tuah. Keraguan terhadap kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai pahlawan Melayu telah menghasilkan satu penyelidikan dijalankan terhadap asal usul keturunan secara hipotesis. Jika pepatah Melayu sendiri telah mengatakan ¡®bahasa jiwa bangsa¡¯ dan ¡®manusia mati meninggalkan nama¡¯ . Bagaimana pula kita hendak menafikan kenyataan ¡®nama menunjukkan bangsa¡¯. Bahasa ¡®nama¡¯ merupakan identifikasi yang cukup jelas untuk mengetahui jenis sesuatu bangsa itu. Bukti yang dapat menerangkan asal-usul Hang Tuah setakat ini, hanyalah dapat disandarkan pada namanya. Oleh itu satu kajian secara hipotesis telah dijalankan dengan bersandarkan kepada ¡®nama¡¯ manusia untuk memperolehi jawapan tentang asal-usul Hang Tuah sebenarnya. Dalam perbendaharaan nama-nama orang Melayu semasa zaman kesultanan Melaayu Melaka, tiada terdapat nama-nama seumpama Hang Tuah, Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, ringkasnya ringkasan yang bermula dengan ¡®Hang¡¯. Sejarah juga telah mencatatkan nama-nama dari bangsa Cina yang bermula dengan Hang, Tan, Maa dan Lee. Ia bergantung kepada suku kaum atau asal-usul keturunan mereka dari wilayah tertentu dari China. Kemungkinan untuk mendakwa bahawa gelaran ¡®Hang¡¯ telah dianugerahkan oleh Raja-Raja Melayu juga tiada asasnya. Mengikut kertas kerja yang dihasilkan oleh Mohd. Yunus Ibrahim dari Jabatan Sejarah UKM dengan tajuk ¡®Melaka 1400-1511 Dari Aspek Kemasyarakatan,¡¯ cuma menyatakan bahawa sesuatu penghormatan, ketaatan atau kedudukan adalah diberi gelaran seperti Bendahara, Paduka Raja, Temenggung, Laksamana, Shahbandar dan Mandulika. Mengikut buku ¡®Sejarah Melayu¡¯ edisi W.G. Shellabear penerbitan Malaya Publishing House Ltd. Singapore halaman 123-131, menyatakan tentang Tun Perpatih Putih, iaitu utusan Sultan Mansur Shah ke negeri China telah membawa balik bersamanya seramai 500 orang dayang serta Puteri Hang Li Po. Sultan Mansur Shah dikatakan telah berkahwin dengan puteri dari China ini dan telah menghasilkan anak bernama Paduka Mamat. Perkara yang menarik dari edisi W.G. Shellabear ini ialah munculnya nama puteri Hang Li Po. Hasil perkahwinan ¡®campur¡¯ antara puteri Hang Li Po dengan Sultan Mansur Shah, telah dikurniakan seorang putera dan telah diberi nama Paduka Mamat. Nama Paduka Mamat adalah nama Melayu dan tidak pula berlaku nama ¡®Paduka Hang Mamat¡¯ sebagai penghargaan kepada puteri Hang Li Po, contohnya. Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa nama-nama dari keturunan Cina biasanya bermula dengan Hang, Tan, Maa dan Lee bergantung kepada suku kaum mereka dan dari wilayah tertentu asal mereka. Jika dihubungkaitkan dengan nama Hang Tuah dari sebutan loghat Cina adalah berbunyi seperti Hang Too Ah. Nama Hang Jebat berbunyi Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lekir pula seperti Hang Lee Ker, manakala Hang Lekiu seperti Hang Lee Kiew. Mengikut prosedur tentang suku kata nama bangsa atau keturunan Cina, biasanya cuma terdiri dari 3 suku kata sahaja. Nama Hang Kasturi pula diragui kerana 4 suku kata walaupun ia bermula dengan perkataan Hang. Perkataan Kasturi pula ada berbaurkan loghat bahasa Melayu. Terdapat 3 andaian hasil kajian secara hipotesis yang dijalankan. Pertama : Hang Kasturi adalah berbangsa Melayu tetapi bergaul rapat dengan anak cucu dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po. Kedua : Nama sebenarnya ialah Kasturi tetapi telah digelar Hang Kasturi oleh 4 orang rakan karibnya yang berketurunan Cina sehingga menjadi sebutan yang kekal. Ketiga : Mungkin nama Cina sebenar Hang Kasturi sukar disebut oleh masyarakat tempatan. Oleh itu mereka telah memberikannya nama baru mengikut loghat orang Melayu tempatan dan nama ini telah diterima dengan baik oleh beliau. Perkara lain yang menarik ialah petikan kertas kerja Ong Hak Ching. Jabatan Sejarah UKM ada mengatakan bahawa Sultan Mansur Shah telah memberikan tempat kediaaman di Bukit Cina kepada puteri Hang Li Po serta 500 orang dayang-dayangnya. Anak-anak cucu mereka digelar ¡®biduanda Cina¡¯ juga bermakna golongan yang dilindungi. Sama ada yang sudah memeluk Islam atau masih memeluk agama asal mereka. Terdapat 3 andaian secara hipotesis mengenai hal ini. Pertama : Tidak kesemua dari anggota rombongan puteri Hang Li Po yang memeluk agama Islam. Kedua : Hang Too Ah, Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lee Ker, Hang Lee Kiew, adalah keturunan dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po. Ketiga : Keempat-empat sahabat ini kemudiannya telah memeluk agama Islam tetapi mengekalkan sebutan nama mengikut loghat bahasa Melayu atas sebab-sebab tertentu, seperti Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir dan Hang Lekiu. Hal yang lebih lanjut mengenai Hang Kasturi. Telah timbul percanggahan pendapat sejak dahulu lagi, sepertimana kajian secara hipotesis ini meragukan tentang nama sebenar Hang Kasturi. Percanggahan pendapat ini berlaku antara pengarang ¡®Sejarah Melayu¡¯ dan pengarang ¡®Hikayat Hang Tuah¡¯ mengenai siapa sebenarnya telah menderhaka kepada Sultan Melaka. Pengarang Sejarah Melayu menuduh Hang Kasturi manakala pengarang Hikayat Hang Tuah Pula menuduh Hang Jebat. Pertama :Tersirat sesuatu hal yang unik dan tersembunyi tentang kedua-dua tokoh pahlawan ini sehingga tidak ada satu kata sepakat di kalangan kedua pengarang serta pakar sejarah lampau. Kedua : Pengarang ¡®Sejarah Melayu¡¯ telah menggunakan bahan dalam penulisannya secara mengambil pendapat lisan dan tiada ada satu penyeledikan terperinci, kerana ia menyentuh kisah-kisah yang terlalu luas serta hal-hal yang menyeluruh. Ketiga : Pengarang ¡®Hikayat Hang Tuah¡¯ adalah lebih formal kerana menggunakan semacam bentuk kajian sehingga dapat menggariskan hal-hal peribadi Hang Tuah secara lebih detail. Hasil kajian secara hipotesis ini telah membuktikan pengarang Hikayat Hang Tuah mempunyai banyak kelebihan dan penulisannya tentang hal Hang Jebat yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan, adalah diterima mengikut hukum asal. Rumusan daripada kajian yang dijalankan telah menghasilkan penemuan baru yang melibatkan kedudukan Hang Tuah sebagai legenda pahlawan Melayu. Mengikut kajian hipotesis ini, Hang Tuah merupakan pahlawan yang telah diMelayukan demi untuk kemegahan atau simbol kepada orang-orang Melayu. Kita lihat bagaimana hipotesis ini menerangkan asal-usul Hang Tuah. Hang Tuah adalah anak cucu kepada keturunan rombongan puteri Hang Li Po yang datang ketika pemerintahan Sultan Mansur Shah. Nama sebenar Hang Tuah ialah Hang Too Ah. Tetapi bertukar kepada nama sebutan Hang Tuah apabila pahlawan ini memeluk agama Islam dan berkhidmat kepada Sultan Melaka.PengIslaman Hang Tuah telah mempengaruhi 3 orang rakan karibnya iaitu Hang Jee Fatt, Hang Lee Ker dan Hang Lee Kiew. Keempat-empat sahabat baik ini juga bergaul rapat dengan Kasturi, iaitu rakan sebaya mereka yang berbangsa Melayu. Mereka juga menggelar Kasturi dengan gelaran Hang Kasturi sebagai tanda satu persahabatan yang abadi. Kelima-lima sahabat ini mula masyhur di kalangan istana apabila mereka menyelamatkan Bendahara dari serangan orang mengamuk. Mereka berlima kemudiannya memeluk agama Islam. Nama-nama mereka mengikut loghat Melayu telah tersebar dengan cepat dan meluas samada di kalangan istana atau orang-orang Melaka ketika itu termasuk nama Hang Kasturi. Tiada bantahan yang pernah dibuat ketika itu kerana masyarakat Melayu zaman itu telahpun menganggap anak cucu dari rombongan puteri Hang Li Po sama seperti saudara Melayu mereka. Demikianlah serba ringkas kisah Hang Tuah yang berasal daripada keturunan puteri Hang Li Po dari kajian hipotesis ini. Berdasarkan hipotesis ini juga bererti orang-orang Melayu telah kehilangan seorang pahlawan lagenda yang selama ini mereka bangga-banggakan. Walaupun demikian orang-orang Melayu telah terselamat daripada tuduhan menderhaka kepada Sultan. Hang Jebat atau nama asalnya Hang Jee Fatt yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan bukanlah daripada keturunan orang Melayu Jati. Berdasarkan hipotesis ini juga bererti orang-orang Melayu telah kehilangan seorang pahlawan lagenda yang selama ini mereka bangga-banggakan.Walaupun demikian orang-orang Melayu telah terselamat daripada tuduhan menderhaka kepada Sultan. Hang Jebat atau nama asalnya Hang Jee Fatt yang telah menderhaka kepada Sultan bukanlah daripada keturunan orang Melayu Jati? http://www.asiawind.com/forums/read...2&i=1704&t=1704 Last edited by kwchang : 18-11-2004 at 02:35 PM. Reason: correction to hyperlink |
#2 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Penulis: XXX Tajuk:Read on .. Sun, Oct 24 2004 at 12:26 am Isi Cerita: In June 1998, the government of Malaysia had hired a team of experts from across the continent to be gather here in Malaysia for a research project to compliment the history studies that we undertaken in our secondary school. The objective of the research is simply: 1. To find prove and evident that show the Malays are the origins of Malaysia and they are the first race and religion that lands their foot in Malaysia. 2. To further strengthen their claims, first they need to find the grave yard of the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and etc..to show the existant of their pioneer. 3. The Batu bersurat in Terengganu, reveals that the islamic religion has landed in malaysia for a hundred years ago which further strengthen their claims! That is why, we are taught with sejarah (history of malaysia)!!!! BEWARE & OPEN YOUR EYES!!! go ask your brother, sister, niece, newphew and etc. etc, since the year 1999 (if i'm not mistaken) or year 2000, do they study about HANG TUAH anymore???????? Why is that popular subject GONE????? Missing in action??????? or evidence reveals something different that causes the government to stop the syllabus and HIDE the TRUTH???????? Here are the Evidences of the findings by the team of scientists, archaeologist,historian and other technical staff from the United State, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Yemen & Russia. The evidence are: 1) They finally found the grave yard of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and etc..., their skeleton had been analise and samples of DNA had been taken with the results show: Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, hang Lekiu and mates, they are NOT MALAY!!!!!! they are CHINESE (islamic)from china!!! and why are they here in Malacca????? because they are in a misison to protect the UNGRATEFUL MALAY from the potential attack of SIAM (Thailand)!!! So Hang tuah is not malay hero!!! they are the protector of the useless and ungrateful Parameswara (who is from INDONESIA)landed in Malacca and claim the land belongs to him!!! The hang tuah bunch of people are all from china, they are being assign to malacca because parameswara request the Ching Dynasty Emporer for protection!!! This is why the Hang Tuah series of history is MISSING from the SEJARAH!!!! 2nd. Evidence: The researchers hired by the government found the oldest tomb stone(grave yard) in Kelantan in year 2000. Suprisingly the tomb stone are at least 900 years old!!!! older than the so-called batu bersurat. and the best thing is, it belong to the CHINESE!!!!!!!! Being landed first in Malacca doesn't mean malay is the first in Malaysia cos during that time, the road is too long for them to see the other side of the coast!!! where the chinese has landed far more earlier. If you want the black and white evidence of the truth reveals please write to the The Federal Association of Arc & Research of Michigan, USA. Please do not ask the chinese nor the indian to go back to their home country! Cos evidence shows that Malays are NOT Malaysia origin either! Your ancestor are all imigrant from INDONESIA! Let us unite as a nation and not divided by races. And give the full support to our leader. http://forum.onecenter.com/cgi-bin/...aysia&mid=33589 |
#3 IP: | ||||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Whoa, this is a pretty sensitive issue if you ask me, man. Had a pretty rough argument which would have ended up in fist fight a few years back. The other 'mystery' is about the Portugese ppl of M'cca who, I swear, look like Indians but they swear they are Portugese. I have 'cracked' the mystery and will swear my theory is right. Happy swearing on this one, keroncong!! |
#4 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Lord, I got a jolt when someone forwarded that article. I've many Portugusese frens and altho dark, their facial features does not resemble Indian. Maybe looks more like Orang Asli. Btw, I'm starting to write to :- The Federal Association of Arc & Research of Michigan, USA to get authenticity of that article on latest finding of Hang Tuah's nationality. |
#5 IP: | ||||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Keroncong, from what I heard from my pals, Hang Tuah and the magnificent 5 have been taken out of the Sejarah school books. Can't confirm but would greatly appreciate if other forumers can confirm. As for the Portugese (sorry for hijacking your thread), it starts from the time Mr. Alfonso set sail to the far east. The stopover for supplies was at Goa. When they land there, they also take with them kulis to work onboard, Ramasamy's, Kuppusamy's and the rest. As the Portugese come in fleets of 15-20 ships, you have these masses of Indians onboard these ships. St. Francis Xavier also contributed to the great confusion. Another reason why the mojority of them are Catholics. When they land on shore, they are identified by the surnames of their captains or admirals, De'Cruz, Pereira, Bosco, Pinto, Danker, Rodriguez and etc. They then inter-marry the locals, be it the natives, chinese or other indians from Indonesia. They then create an ancestoral line with the their new found surnames. This is purely an assessment from my research, there's actually more to it but am keeping it brief. Now the logical part kicks in. Tell me, if a kwai-lo were to live in the Far East for donkey years and has a child with another kwai-lo, will that kid at the age 40 look like an Indian?! Will he be so tanned that he starts to have reverse pigmentation? The bloke I met in front of the Stadhuys, which intiated my interest to uncover this X-Files, looked like a brother from the hood, estate lah! Why estate? Becoz the brothers down there have a very dark complexion becoz of their work under the sun. And I started talking to him in tamil. He was lost and said, to my horror, he's a Portugese and his name is Rodriguez!!! Joe, ask any Portugese from Portugal to converse with them in Portugese and our guys are just as lost as the original blokes. The M'cca portugese have their own language, which they call Portugese, but is Greek to the fellows in Portugal. Sure beats the crap out of me!!! How I know this? I had a Dutch counterpart who was with me(he lived in Portugal during his teens and early adulthood) when I spoke to Rodriguez. When Norbert, my friend, spoke to him in Portugese, Rodriguez was clueless. For more interesting finds from Dr. Lord, you have to meet me in person! |
#6 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? sounds to me like it is the best way to absolve an entire race from disgrace. we did not betray our sultan, it was someone else from China. so, it is better to lose a hero than being branded a traitor. the sin is someone else's, as always! |
#7 IP: | ||||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Interesting. However I do not see any reason why this should be sensitive, what does it matter whether they were chinese or not? He was Malaysian and that should be that. I am a 'chinese' and I did not see the Hang's any differently because they were 'Malay'. In fact I did not classify them as races when I first read about them in our history, just liked the fact that these characters once existed (I hope), like our very own knights! |
#8 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? But Timo not everyone is so open minded as u and i belive most of usj.com.my forummers, to c Hang Tuah for his act of bravery and not his colour! The Powers That Be in our country would very much like to preserve the fact that Hang Tuah was of a certain race to show a certain "edge" in this race but it seems like facts have finally prevailed and they can't seem to stomach the facts! So instead of teaching history and featuring Hang Tuah as a brave MALAYSIAN, the Powers would rather he be done away with! Such open mindedness after 47 years of Merdeka!!!. The losers will be the school kids who have lost a piece of interesting history. BANGSA MALAYSIA? i think not |
#9 IP: | ||||
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That's the main problem in Malaysia now, we still define who is Malay, Chinese, India or some other races. Can we starting to put all these aside and call ourselves Malaysian Whether is Hang Tuan or Hang Too Ah, it's Malaysia history and no matter how you write it, the history will stay. As for us, you can say what you are, we all are borned in Malaysia. Can you change it |
#10 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? I will not be surprise in the very near future, our future generations will be more ke-melayuan or more ke-cinaan or more ke-indianan; and not towards to more ke-malaysiaan. Notice or un-notice, we are the root cause of this un-healthy social culture. We have indirectly grooming this culture into our children at the beginning of age 7 years. We’re letting them only within their own races for the whole day, whether at home and school. To share with U, two of my children can speak and write in Chinese even they’re schooling at Sekolah Kebangsaan (evening) and Islamic School (morning). They’re still attending Chinese extra classes besides day-to-day schooling and music activities. Too sad to read from one of the parents in ‘Extra Chinese class in USJ’ thread, that suggesting to physically relocate the Bukit Fraser Chinese school to USJ due to less takers over there and ask Selangor Education to full fill his favour. |
#11 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Malaysian history I noticed in the present day books, has been altered and changed extensively since my days of history mugging. In this case and in my opinion he will always remain for whatever reasons a Malay Warrior.This legend will live and remain. |
#12 IP: | ||||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Hang Tuah, either chinese or malay, is no big deal. Very interesting to know and the historians to rationalize this whole issue. I wish pal isarahim is around to trash his theory and findings on this, and mr administrators, please give him a free hand. I miss reading his intelectual postings. |
#13 IP: | ||||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? Keroncong_Asli's repost of the discussion from the Malaysia Boleh forum in forum.onecenter.com borders on the thin line for a yellow card at least. For the benefit of all members, I suggest you refrain from quoting verbatim from such sources. A hyperlink is sufficient if you think it is necessary but no wholesale reprint of the contents. I don't know how many of you had gone on to that forum - it stinks of heavy racialism. My personal reaction to this debate is it smells a lot like a myth. It seems trivial where the whole argument hangs on the name "Hang" to have a direct relationship to being Chinese. As for Isarahim, I wonder why Achee thinks I am going to block his comments? |
#14 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? kwchang, well said!!!! like they say garbage in garbage out. Sources need to be more reliable. In penang they use the word 'hang' as a slang instead of awak..not sure of the spelling. But sounds the same...no...no. hang tuah is not hokkien or the lucky one (awak tuah)!!! |
#15 IP: | |||
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Re: Is Hang Tuah A Chinese ? rubbish lah. if hang tuah is a chinese, he aledy a YB Dato Hang Tuah. but we all lato tink hang tuah was a gangsta with flying banana-kick kung fu/wushu/shao lin drunken monkey martial art skills. All these he picked up from princess hang lipo. tat why he can aso fly from loof-to-loof and then fly from tlee-to-tlee to gunung ledang to meet his girflen one. yang akan bersilat lato |
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