WHO GOD SAYS I AM: These things I accept by faith.
I am Accepted In Christ: In Christ Jesus I find my acceptance: Amen
JOHN 1:12 says I am God’s Child: Amen
JOHN 15:15 says I am Christ friend: Amen
ROMANS 5:1 says I have been justified: Amen
2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 says I have been made righteous: Amen
I CORINTHIANS 6:17 says I am united with the Lord and one with Him in spirit: Amen
1 CORINTHIANS 6:20 says I have been bought with a price; I belong to God: Amen
1 CORINTHIANS 12:27 says I am a member of Christ’s body: Amen
EPHESIANS 1:1 says I am a saint: Amen
COLOSSIANS 3:12 says I am dearly loved: Amen
EPHESIANS 1:5 says I have been adopted as God’s child: Amen
ROMANS 5:1 says I have peace with God: Amen
EPHESIANS 2:18 says I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit: Amen
COLOSSIANS 1:14 says I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins: Amen
COLOSSIANS 2:10 says I am complete in Christ: Amen
ROMANS 8:17 says I am a joint-heir with Christ: Amen
I am Secure in Christ: In Christ Jesus I have a new start: Amen
ROMANS 6:1-6 says I died with Christ to the power of sin to rule over my life: Amen
ROMANS 6:4-10 says I have been raised with Christ to a new life: Amen
2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 says I am a new creation: Amen
ROMANS 8:1-2 says I am free forever from condemnation: Amen
ROMANS 8:28 says I am assured that all things work together for good: Amen
ROMANS 8:33,34 says I am free from any condemning charges against me: Amen
ROMANS 8:35 says I cannot be separated from the love of God: Amen
2 CORINTHIANS 1:21 says I have been established, anointed and sealed by God: Amen
EPHESIANS 1:3 says I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing: Amen
COLOSSIANS 3:3 says I am hidden with Christ in God: Amen
PHILIPPIANS 1:6 says I am confident that the good work God has begun in me will be perfected: Amen
PHILIPPIANS 3:20 says I am a citizen of heaven: Amen
2 TIMOTHY 1:7 says I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power. love and a sound mind: Amen
HEBREWS 4:16 says I can find grace and mercy in time of need: Amen
1JOHN 5:18 says I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me: Amen
I am Significant in Christ: In Christ Jesus I find my purpose: Amen
MATHEW 5:13,14 says I am the salt and light of the earth: Amen
JOHN 15:1,5 says I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life: Amen
JOHN 1 5:16 says I have been chosen and appointed to bear good and lasting fruit: Amen
ACTS (:8 says I am a personal witness of Christ: Amen
I CORINTHIANS 3:16 says I am God’s temple: Amen
2 CORINTHIANS 5:17-20 says I am a minister of reconciliation: Amen
2 CORINTHIANS 6:1 says I am God’s coworker: Amen
EPHESIANS 2:6 says I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm: Amen
EPHESIANS 2:10 says I am God’s workmanship, created to do good works: Amen
EPHESIANS 3:12 says I may approach God with freedom and confidence: Amen
PHILIPPIANS 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me: Amen
1) In the name of Jesus, I bind my will to Gods will which produces an incredible steadiness in my
spiritual walk with the Lord.
2) In the name of Jesus, I bind my mind to the mind of Christ.
3) In the name of Jesus, I bind my emotions to the Spirit of Life who is the Holy Spirit.
4) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the authority and power of God.
5) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the Truth which is the Word of God.
6) In the name of Jesus. I bind myself to an awareness of the blood of Jesus Christ.
7) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the working of the Cross of Jesus at Calvary because there is
where I receive mercy, grace, forgiveness, love, power, healing, deliverance and authority into my life.
8) In the name of Jesus, I bind my feet to the path that God has ordained for me to walk.
9) In the name of Jesus, I bind my hands to the work God has meant for me to do so that I will prosper
in His will and Kingdom.
10) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to God’s grace, mercy and favour, His love and peace.
11) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the Cross of Jesus at Calvary and I carry my cross daily.
12) In the name of Jesus, I bind my heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is full of love, mercy and
13) In the name of Jesus, I bind my flesh to the crucified flesh of Christ and subject all my fleshy desires
to the Cross and to the working of the Holy Spirit in my life.
14) In the name of Jesus, I loose the strongholds protecting the source or the reason for my……………..
(rebelliousness, disobedience, unforgiveness, drinking, smoking, bad habits etc).
15) In the name of Jesus, I loose all strongholds and wrong agreements and I close any and all doors
which I might have opened to the world of darkness.
16) In the name of Jesus, I loose the effect of word curses spoken by me, to me. for me or by any other
17) In the name of Jesus, I loose the effect of physic/soulish prayers and witchcraft prayers prayed over
me or against me.
18) In the name of Jesus, I loose the effect of all negative influences that comes from the media, the
world around me and my peers.
19) In the name of Jesus, I keep loosing and rejecting old thought patterns, old memory tapes, wrong
beliefs, wrong attitudes, wrong prophecies. from every and all ungodly soulish ties while binding my
mind, will and emotions to God’s greater purpose.
20) In the name of Jesus, I loose myself from every deception, pain, fear, anxiety, worry, care of the world
and I bind myself and my timing to God’s timing.
21) In the name of Jesus, I loose myself from strongholds, stripping layer over layer to all my unmet
needs, unhealed hurts and unresolved issues and I bind myself to the working of the Holy Spirit in my
22) In the name of Jesus, I bind myself to the will of God and His Truth and to the mind of Christ. In the
name of Jesus, I loose wrong pattern of thinking, attitudes, behavior, habits and strongholds from
myself. Amen
ROM 8:28 “And we are assured and know that all things and in everything God works together for
good to them who love God and are called according to His design and purpose.”
PHIL 1:6 “And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you
will continue until the day of Jesus Christ - right up to the time of His return developing that good
work and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”
PHIL 2:13 “For it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you, energizing and creating in
you the power and desire, both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and
2 Cor 4:6 Father God, You commanded light to shine out of darkness. I ask and thank
You, Father, that for You will cause that same light to shine into ( Name ) heart and Jesus
the Savior will be revealed to (him/her). As (he/she) receives the light of the knowledge of the
glory of You, God, in the face of Jesus Christ.
Col 1:9-11 I do not cease to pray for my (husband/wife/son/daughter/friend) ( Name )
and desire that (he/she) be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual
understanding. That I Name ) might walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing being
fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Strengthened with all
might according to Christ’s glorious power unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.
Thank You, Lord, that You are able to save ( Name ) and that You will rescue (him/her)
from the hand of the enemy (Dn 3:17). Father, I ask You to shine Your light in f Name )
heart to give (him/her) the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Christ
(2 Cor 4:6). Holy Spirit, turn L Name ) heart to the Father, to walk in all His ways to keep
His commands (1 Kg 8:58). I pray that (he/she) will be delivered from wicked and evil
men, for the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen and protect ( Name ) from the
evil one (2 Thes 3:2-3). For this is what the Sovereign Lord says “I myself will search for my
sheep and look after them. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind
up the injured and strengthen the weak” (Ez 34:11-16). I bind in the Name of Jesus the
lying spirits to leave ( Name ) right now and stop trying to prevent (his/her) heart from
turning to the Lord. Lord, place a hedge of protection around (him/her) as You did for Job
(Job 1:10). Lord, be a shield about ( Name I be (his/her) glory and the lifter of (his/her)
head (Ps 3:3). I ask God to raise up intercessors to pray for ( Name ).
Satan, you can’t have ( Name ) I bind your activity in (him/her) in the Name of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name I loose the ministering angels to minister to ( Name ) and protect (him/her).
Thank You Jesus, thank You Lord. AMEN
Because I dwell in the secret place of the most High, I abide in the shadow of the Almighty, in
the light of His glorious presence. I am a part of the family of God, those who are born again
of His spirit.
The Lord is my refuge and my fortress. He is my shelter and protection, my way of escape from
all danger and harm. I walk in His Word, clothed in His armor. He is my rock and my fortress,
my deliverer, my God, my strength and high tower.
My Lord delivers me from all snares, traps, test and temptation. In Him I turn away from evil
and rise up over sin. He has given me power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all
the power of the enemy.
My God covers me with His feathers, and in His image I trust. He hedges me in so that the evil
one cannot touch me. Because of my trust in Him, I walk boldly by faith and I know who I am in
Christ. By that I am not afraid of the terror at night, the pestilence in darkness or the
destruction at noon. I fear no evil, but my reverent fear is in the Lord.
Because I choose to walk in faith and in love, no harm will come to me. A thousand may fall at
my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me. No weapon formed
against me will prosper.
With my eyes, I will behold the reward of the wicked, those who are terrified at night hit by
arrows, destroyed by pestilence, consumed by fear. Because I am a believer in Christ Jesus of
Nazareth the Head of the Church, I do not expect the horrible things that happen to others
to happen to me. Since I have made the Lord, the most High, my refuge and habitation, no evil
will befall me, no plague will come near my dwelling.
The Lord has given His angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. They watch over me
and act in my behalf, just as they watched over, guided and protected the children of Israel and
the apostles. The angels of the Lord make up a hedge around me and my family. They bear
me up in the palm of their hands.
Therefore I will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the dragon will I trample
underfoot. As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, all things — including Satan, the roaring lion are
under my feet.
Because the Lord has set His love on me — and I have set mine on Him — He delivers me and
sets me on high. I call upon Him and He answers me. Satan can no longer hold me hostage
because I have been delivered from Satan and his power.
With long life the Lord satisfies me, and He shows me His salvation. Before the foundation of
the world, He chose me and set me apart to fulfill His purpose on this earth. He has a reason
for me to live and not to die. I have no fear of my life ending prematurely for the Lord has
saved me from sin, sickness, fear, poverty and death and delivered me into righteousness,
health, peace, prosperity and life in all its fullness, joy satisfaction and abundance. Thanks be
to God. AMEN.
Psalm 91: Challenges you to live it everyday of your life.
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