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Retirement Life

*朱镕基* *谈退休生活,让多少人无地自容!*
Zhu Rongji was premier of China over the period 1998-2003, serving when the president was Jiang Zemin. He has thus retired for around 15 years. He discussed post retirement life and offered 10 points that retirees should consider. These are very inspirational advices.


Point 1.
Advancing age is not a “credit”. Don’t Go around setting rules on what ought/ought not; if you are addressed as “old man”, it’s ok. If you’re addressed as “Mr”, that person is well mannered. When you’re offered a seat, you must respond with “thank you”, being lucky to meet a gracious man.


Point 2.
“In the past” are words not everybody like to hear. The present era is not to regurgitate the sorrows or joys of the past. No one is willing to listen to your glorious or painful past, times have changed. The wild vegetable you ate in the past may have now become a delicacy. Your cultivation practices to prevent famine previously may be regarded as damaging to environment now. As such, any matters of the past is best be appropriately limited.


Point 3
Stay out of trouble, don’t be busybody, grandchildren’s education is not your responsibility. If you stay with the children, never gossip. Be a moderator, be clear to stay within limits and not to be biased. In major issues, just state the broad perspectives, and don’t bother whether the parties concerned consider them or not.


Point 4.
The younger generations will definitely be more busy than you. If you miss your children, you can give them a call. On the other hand if children are thinking of you, they may not have the time to make a phone call. Don’t be too serious over this matter or else it will end up in lose-lose situation. If children pay you a visit don’t try to look for reasons to retain them longer. Accept it if they can spare the time to visit you. If you don’t give them such flexibility they may decide to have lesser visits in future.


Point 5
Do not expect for reward in exchange of what you willingly gave away. Don’t always repeat what you have done for others. “Respect the seniors, love the juniors”, should be reset as “Love the junior” first, because sunrise is definitely more glorious than sunset. Remember, those things which you gave away, never ever think that you need to be rewarded, as this will cause unhappiness to others.


Point 6
Don’t always think of changing others. If the neighbor’s children choose to wear short skirts and stockings in very cold weather, it is their liking. Your old spouse got the habit to mess up things or easily throw tantrums, that must have been brought about over the years, which is difficult for you to change now. It might just as well that you bear with each other, and not to show “spider fight” to amuse the neighbors!!!!


Point 7
Whatever the dealings be broad minded and somewhat generous. Whether the amount of money involved in large or small, the attitude must be joyful and generous. If children bought gifts to show respect, you have to thank them. It is wise to use the reserve fund for old age, of course not to deplete all. Appropriate amount.


Point 8
Unkempt and untidy is not a trivial matter. It is ok to laze slightly when old but not to slacken on proper attire, on healthy clean habits. Don’t let your shabby habits affect you family. You appearance and habits is not your individual matter, these also project the family image and reflection upon your children social status. Be mindful, if you don’t give a damn, many others may condemn!!!!!


Point 9
For goodness sake, don’t collect and keep everything in the house, like “a keling botol” recycle shop. Some things have to be replaced with time. There may be things which may not be easily or cheaply rid off later.


Point 10
Don’t expect children to help you to rid off boredom. Better depend on own self. Live your own dream, strive on your own bravely against all odds. Build friendship so when you are unable to walk about, you can call your friends for chats.

Should your prayers will not get ready answers? Why?

Remember that you and your wife are partners in receiving God’s blessings, and if you don’t treat her as you should, your prayers will not get ready answers.
Wives, fit in with your husbands’ plans; for then if they refuse to listen when you talk to them about the Lord, they will be won by your respectful, pure behavior. Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.👫💞

God gives special blessings to those who are humble, but sets himself against those who are proud. 6 If you will humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, in his good time he will lift you up. 1 Peter 5:5-6

why others lived 900yrs, so what happened to us?

i just read a post where someone asked why others lived 900yrs, so what happened to us? 

We have matured beyond the minds concept of life and death.  There is no such thing as death. No one has lived three score and ten as Tony den Hartog would say, or 900yrs. The idea that we live a limited life that is measured in years is an illusion.

Tony always said, "You had no beginning and you will have no end". We are eternal light beings and when our five senses stop working LIFE will continue on just as it always has.  LIFE has nothing to do with a memory of a past or the minds projection of a future.  Passing time is an illusion.


[11/02, 00:11] Connie👥Gerry: Esau traded his birthright (the life of Christ) with a bowl of soup (materials duniawi).
[11/02, 00:14] Connie👥Gerry: Do what makes you (happy)or(holy). Your choice.

14th Feb 2019
1 Peter 1:2 TLB And *the Holy Spirit* has been at work in your hearts, *cleansing you with the blood of Jesus Christ* and *making you to please him.* May God bless you richly and grant you increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear.

Remember that you and your wife are partners in receiving God’s blessings, and if you don’t treat her as you should, your prayers will not get ready answers.
Wives, fit in with your husbands’ plans; for then if they refuse to listen when you talk to them about the Lord, they will be won by your respectful, pure behavior. Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.👫💞

God gives special blessings to those who are humble, but sets himself against those who are proud. 6 If you will humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, in his good time he will lift you up. 1 Peter 5:5-6

All people commit sins and make mistakes. God forgives them, and people are acting in a godlike (divine) way when they forgive.

[05/04, 11:33] Connie👥Gerry: If God lay His hand upon you, and If you see a priest or any other person, who you see is lacking or wrong in somewhere, intercede for him. Get down on your knees and pray to God for that face that you think is weak in your opinion. You do not believe he does any praying, you do not believe you have the right to criticize him or say anything about him if you do not have enough the grace of God to put him in our heart and carrying him to the Lord. Because of the spirit of thing like that can destroy you. You are amazed that the power of Satan has to wipe treachery into your very life. It may start out appear to be good can wind up to be poison. So, therefore, you pray for him and others.
[05/04, 11:45] Connie👥Gerry: If I am in the same situation being wrong and weak, I will want somebody praying for me. If I have slipped and fallen, fallen back fallen deep into sin, I want somebody that God can move upon their hearts to begin praying for me. It is so necessary to go to pray because it's a channel of grace. Prayers open to God, open to the door of grace. Grace rain all the blessings that God has for any of us. The grace of God. God does anything he does for you through grace. From the goodness of God and God merciful heart, God does this thing for us. So you pray for him.

When Visit  The Cemetery:

O Divine Jesus, who suffering and dying for our love has purchased with the price of Your Blood our eternal life: I know You live and hear my pleas and that the grace of Your Redemption is most abundant thus, forgive O Most Merciful God the souls of these my deceased beloved; free them from all pains and all tribulations and embrace them in the bosom of Your Goodness and in the joyful company of Your angels and saints so that, free of all pain and anguish, they praise, enjoy and reign with You in the Paradise of Your Glory forever and ever. Amen

O God, Who has commanded us to honour our father and mother, have compassion in Thy mercy, on the souls of my father and mother; forgive them their sins, and grant that I may see them in the joy of eternal brightness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Say the *Our Father*             

*Eternal rest* grant unto them O Lord, and let Your Perpetual Light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Pope Francis to raise ‘evangelization’ above Catholic doctrine in curial reform: report 👍👍👍
 “The main point of the new apostolic constitution is that the church’s mission is evangelization. It puts it at the center of the church and of everything the Curia does,”
Vida Nueva and CNS also report that according to the new plan, the Vatican’s dicasteries will no longer be seen as having an authority superior to diocesan bishops, and *may be led by mere laymen in the future,* further advancing Pope Francis’ themes of “synodality” and opposition to what he calls “clericalism.”. 👍👍👍👍👍 Curia does,”

[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: Root Of The Crisis
April 30, 2019 by sd

“Many signs and wonders were done among the people
at the hands of the apostles.
They were all together in Solomon’s portico.
None of the others dared to join them, but the people esteemed them.
Yet more than ever, believers in the Lord,
great numbers of men and women, were added to them.
Thus they even carried the sick out into the streets
and laid them on cots and mats
so that when Peter came by,
at least his shadow might fall on one or another of them.
A large number of people from the towns
in the vicinity of Jerusalem also gathered,
bringing the sick and those disturbed by unclean spirits,
and they were all cured” (Acts 5:12-16)
[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: Peter was an apostle. How many current apostles do what he did?

The root of the current Church crisis is disbelief. Many who call themselves Catholic are not Catholic. Others, who do have faith, struggle and often fail to bring it alive. This is because we have diverged greatly from the mystical side of Jesus.

That transcendental aspect included the famous miracles and of course His Resurrection. Both validated Who He said He was. How can we ignore it?

And yet there has been an apostasy, which is not only when doctrine is violated but when the Catholic Faith is practiced as a psycho-emotive discipline instead of a vibrant numinous connection with Jesus. When approached via the intellect only, the crux of Catholicism splinters.
[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: Pope Benedict: “Indeed, in many parts of the Church, conciliar attitudes were understood to mean having a critical or negative attitude towards the hitherto existing tradition, which was now to be replaced by a new, radically open relationship with the world. One bishop, who had previously been seminary rector, had arranged for the seminarians to be shown pornographic films, allegedly with the intention of thus making them resistant to behavior contrary to the faith.

“Why did pedophilia reach such proportions? Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God. We Christians and priests also prefer not to talk about God, because this speech does not seem to be [worldly].” And so it is all wrapped up right there: the root of the crisis is compromise with the world. We even politicize the papacy. We rarely take Communion for mystical union.
[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: When we don’t feel the Spirit during the Eucharist, there is something missing in us or in the way the Mass has been celebrated. Jesus said His disciples would be known by their laying on of hands, healing, and exorcising demons. Often it comes down to a lack of prayer, and that lack leads to an incorporation of worldliness with religion.
[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: Absence of God
[01/05, 23:18] Connie&Gerry: Presence of God.

May the grace of our Lord JC trains us to reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, as we wait for the happy fulfillment of our hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I thank you, Lord, for the avalanche of blessings bestowed upon my family. May the Lord bless our friends in our presence. May the Lord bless the food being
 served that it will strengthen  bodies. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.

 Proverbs 15:29 
The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.  Proverbs 15:29 

Without Holy Spirit, preaching becomes proselytizing.

“If there is no Holy Spirit, there is no evangelization". “This can be proselytizing, advertising. But evangelization means letting the Holy Spirit guide you, that he is the one that pushes you to announce, to proclaim with your witness, with martyrdom as well as with the word.” Pope Francis

“Do I worship God or do I worship dogmatic formulations? Does the faith in God I profess make me friendly or hostile toward those who are different from me?” Pope Francis asked.

Sulfur Minerals for your Eyes

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MSM is a powerful anti-inflammatory and can help to relieve the pain of a variety of conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendinitis, heart burn, and muscle pain. MSM works to build collagen, helping to create smooth skin, thick lustrous hair, and strong nails.
Our Opti-MSM is the highest quality MSM available. Some low quality MSM is created using solvents that can result in toxic byproducts. Opti-MSM dissolves easily into water or juice. It is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum absorption.

What does God see of His People?

What does God see of His ppl today?  He will see a multitude of ppl who worship, praise Him, magnify His name then go about maintaining their prosperous lifestyles. A ppl wrapped in so many activities having no time to seek the face of God anymore. A ppl praising and God and asking God to bless them to keep their lifestyles.

His church will pray for revival or renewal but would not let go of their things, worrying about their retirement and pension and epf as if their security depended on their things.
[06/02, 21:08] Connie👥Gerry: 上帝今天看到他的人物是什么?他会看到许多人崇拜,赞美他,夸大他的名,然后继续保持他们繁荣的生活方式。一个包裹着许多活动的人,没有时间去寻找上帝的面孔了。一个人赞美和上帝,并祈求上帝保佑他们保持他们的生活方式。


70 to 79 years old are crucial!

To have Long Life, the 10 years from 70 to 79 years old are crucial!

Israeli scholars have found that
70-79 years old is a dangerous period. During this period, various organs decline rapidly. It is a frequent period of various geriatric diseases, and it is often prone to hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes.

After entering the age of 80, these diseases will decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years old.

Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the “dangerous age group”. As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. They realise that “Health is Wealth”.

The 10-year health care of 70 to 79 years old is crucial.

Here are some simple steps called
“Doing *ten ones * every day”

This will help you to navigate more smoothly through the "dangerous age group" stage of your life.

 #1. A pot of water

Water is "the best and cheapest health drink".
You must drink a glass of water during the following three times/occasions each day:

First cup:
After getting out of bed, you can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

Because of our invisible sweating and urination. Even if we don't feel thirsty after getting up, the body liquids will still be thick due to lack of water. Therefore, after getting out of bed, you must slowly add water as soon as possible.

Second cup:
A glass of water after exercise

The right amount of exercise is one of the cornerstones of longevity. However, after exercise, special attention should be paid to replenishing water, it is recommended that the old people drink water.

Third cup:
a glass of water before going to bed can effectively reduce the blood viscosity and may even slow down the appearance of aging. Helps against Angina, myocardial infarction and other diseases.

#2. A bowl of porridge

If you feel sick, drink a bowl of porridge! Wang Shixiong, a famous medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty, called porridge "the first complement of the world" in his book.

China Daily Online published a 14-year study conducted by Harvard University on 100,000 people. It found that a bowl of about 28 grams of whole grain cereal porridge per day can reduce 5% mortality and 9%. and reduce the chance of getting cardiovascular disease.

Each volunteer was in good physical condition when he participated in the study in 1984, but in the 2010 feedback survey, more than 26,000 volunteers have passed away.

It was found that those volunteers who regularly eat whole grains such as porridge, brown rice, corn, and buckwheat seem to have avoided all diseases, especially heart disease.

 #3. A cup of milk

Milk is known as "white blood" and is to the human body. Its nutritional value is well known with a lot of calcium, fat and protein

The recommended daily intake of milk and dairy products is 300 grams. For an ordinary 200 ml bottle of milk, it is enough to drink one or two 200 -ml - bottles or packets of milk a day.

#4. An egg

Eggs can be said to be the most suitable food for human consumption. The body's absorption rate of egg protein can be as high as 98%.

#5. An apple

Modern research believes that apples have the effects of lowering cholesterol, losing weight, preventing cancer, preventing aging, enhancing memory, and making the skin smooth and soft.

The health benefits of different color apples are different:

Red apples have the effect of lowering blood lipids and softening blood vessels

Green apple has the effect of nourishing liver and detoxifying and can fight depression, so it is more suitable for young people to eat.

Yellow apples have a good effect on protecting vision.

#6. An onion

The Onion has a very high nutritional value and has many functions, including helping to lower blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also anti-bacterial, preventing colds, and supplementing calcium and bones. Eat onions at least three or four times a week.

 #7. A piece of fish

Chinese Nutritionists have warned that “eating "four legs" is worse than eating "two legs", eating "two legs" is worse than eating "no legs."

"No legs" mainly refers to fish and various vegetables. The protein contained in fish is easily digested and absorbed. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, is relatively good for the body.

#8. Gentle walking

This has a magical anti-aging effect. When adults walk (about 1 kilometer or less) regularly for more than 12 weeks, they will achieve the effect of correct posture and waist circumference, and the body becomes strong and not easily tired.

In addition, walking exercise is also beneficial to treat a headache, back pain, shoulder pain, etc., and can promote sleep.

Experts believe that a 30-minute walk a day can get rid of the danger of “adult disease”. People who take 10,000 steps a day will have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

 #9. A hobby

Having a hobby, whether it is raising flowers, raising birds, collecting stamps, fishing, or painting, singing, playing chess, and traveling, can help the elderly to maintain extensive contact with society and nature. This broadens the horizons of interest of the elderly. They will love and cherish life.

#10. Good mood

Old people should maintain good emotions as these are extremely important to their health. Common chronic diseases which affect the elderly are closely related to the negative emotions of the elderly:

Many patients with coronary heart disease have angina and myocardial infarction due to stimulation of adverse emotions, resulting in sudden death;

"Bad" temper leads to high blood pressure. In prolonged and severe cases, this can cause stroke, heart failure, sudden death, etc.;

Negative Emotions such as anger, anxiety, and grief can cause blood sugar levels to rise, causing metabolic disorders in the body.

This shows how important it is to have a good mood!

Physical aging is a natural phenomenon, and it is the most sensible choice to fully devote yourself to life and to live the best of the day!

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