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Christians today striving to meet the challenges of a life in Christ

*Christians today striving to meet the challenges of a life in Christ.*

What are these challenges?

To rest on God.

To empty self.

To look to others.

To do the work of God.

To embrace the cross.

To work at perfection.

What people in this world, including Christians, are rather doing is the opposite.

 They are depending on their own abilities and strength.

They are filling themselves up with the things the world offers, including all the filth.

They selfishly look to themselves and neglect the need and good of others.

They are busy engaged in their own desires and priorities rather than serving God and the Kingdom.

They strive for comfort, convenience, personal satisfaction, a life of leisure, even hedonism, rather than joyfully embracing the cross.

They remain the imperfect and sinful creatures that they have become, unmindful of God’s call to Christian perfection.

A small sampling of hard teachings of Jesus.

A small sampling of hard teachings of Jesus.

Love your enemies.

Renounce all your possessions.

When slapped, turn the other cheek.

Rejoice in suffering.

Deny yourself and embrace your cross.

Boast of your weakness.

Consider others more important than yourselves.

Forgive without limit.

Put up with injustice.

There is joy in sorrow.


Prayer connects us with God.

Prayer allows God to grant us the wisdom that is needed in order to know His will.

Prayer unleashes the anointing and empowerment that comes from the Holy Spirit by which we can be effective witnesses.

Prayer, that is daily, persistent and fervent, keeps us from falling away, from being lured by the world, from giving in to our sinful flesh, from being deceived by the devil.

Prayer is the foundation by which we can grow in holiness, in righteousness, in being loving and merciful, in moving toward Christian perfection.

Persistent prayer is what will keep Christians fervent in their faith, so that when the Son of Man returns, he will find divine light shining amidst the darkness.

Prayer keeps us under the protective mantle of our Lord.